Sirius Black and Lily Evans.

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Sirius Black

The Hogsmeade trip was ok. Lucy was quiet. She seemed interested in the shrieking shack so I told a few stories people had made up about it. We met Prongs and Lily in The Three Broomsticks as planned and I ordered drinks. Lily caught up with me at the counter. "So..?" She asks.

"So What?" I reply getting confused. People have got to finish their sentences. 

"So. How is it going with Lucy?" She asks smiling. What is wrong with people today.

"It's.. quiet. We wandered for a bit.. Why?" I say. We didn't really talk much. She isn't like that. She blushes at anything like she... likes me. 

Lily's eyes buldge. "No reason." 

"Does she.. Like me?" I whisper shocked. Lily nods. 

"PLease don't tell her I told you." I pay for the butterbeers and we walk down to the table. I am such an idiot. She looks gorgeous, obviously took a while with Lily to decide what to wear and I show up in a hoodie? God I am an idiot. Lucy leans over and whispers something in Lily's ear. "Its alright. Better than I thought actually." Lily whispers back. We sit and talk for a bit, me and Prongs pay for drinks even though the girls insisted that they could pay. It was ok.

"What now?" I ask them. Lily and Lucy look at eachother. 

"We are going to go look at the dresses for the Yule ball." Lily says.

"The Yule ball isn't for months! Why ar eyou getting them now?" James asks. Yeah. I never understood why girls got them early. 

"They might sell out. Our next hogsmeade trip isn't until a few days before the Ball. All the good dresses will be sold out!" She says. The Yule ball is a week before Christmas break. We all usually need to show up with a date unless we want to be total losers. "We are going to go to Zonko's.. We need to discuss something in there." 

We both head our different ways. I see Lucy turning and looking back at me. Still wearing my hoodie. Lily had given James his jacket back but Lucy hadn't.

Lily Evans

We head to the dress store. We wander about looking at different shades and patterns but nothing stood out. I needed something to match my eyes. I see a purple dress in the back and walk towards it. This is it? The only ball dress left?

"There was a crowd of girls in here. Getting their Yule ball dresses early. All sold." We trun to see the owner. An elderly woman. 

"Its not perfect..." I say. I need to get one. The same ones will be in and I don't want the smae dress. 

"I could make you one if you like, You too." She says. We smile.

"Come on.." She leads us into a fitting room for measurements and things like that.

"What kind of dress would you like?" She asks.

I explaing "it needs to be something elegant. I want it short. Up to me knees. Poufy at the skirt with silk. Strapless maybe. Nice.." I say. I hope she gets it. Maybe James... Did I just call him James? Potter will ask me. Should I say yes? Every year I have went with Sev  but I kinda want a change.. He has changed so much. He isn't the same...

"I think I have it. And you?" She asks Lucy. I can't speak for Lucy this time cause I don't know what she wants. 

"Um.. Something that will make me stand out to a certain person. Blue maybe. And black. Long. Ruffeled." She says. It is the loudest I have heard her talk. The woman nods. She gets our sizes. 

"Come and pick them up on your next trip here, I guarantee no one else will have them." She winks at us and we leave. 

"So.. That went well." She says. She wants a dress to show off to Sirius. We all no. Even him now. I haven't seen Remus in a while. Though he is usually off visiting a sick relative or sick himself. Poor guy. "While we are here, want to go to some other store?" 

We wander into Jewelary shops and find little things. I see a necklace I like and so does Lucy but even though I buy mine she leaves it. "Can't afford it right now." She says. We pick up some quills and books and go to Zonkos to meet the guys. My day with Potter was good. He took me to this secret park with flowers and benchs and we walked for a bit. It was.. nice. 

We meet the guys paying for somethings. I can't see them but knowing them it is something for pranking. I see Lucy looking around. She takes a book out and takes it to the counter. "Watch this.." She says sitting it next to Sirius and Potter. We hide behind a cart. She waves her wand and the books opens sending a green gooy substance over Potter and Sirius. We chuckle looking at their faces and back out the store. 

We arrive back at Hogwarts, eat dinner and head up to the dorm. Sirius stays in the common room while Ja..Potter is going to take a shower. I leave Lucy amd go to the dorm.

Sirius Black.

In Zonkos Prongs asked me the best way to ask Lily to the Ball. I wonder if I should take Lucy... We talked, picked up some supplies and out of no where are covered in slime. I saw the girls hurry out and we follow them. "I see you got your dress then.. Had some time did ya?" I said. They giggled and ran as we tried to wipe the slime on them.

James goes up the stairs to shower and Lily leaves. Its just me and Lucy.

"I had a good time today." She says. I smirk.

"I think that is the first time I have heard a full sentence by you before." I reply. I look at her.

She walks forward and wraps her arms around me. "Thanks." say whispers in my ear and walks up to her dorm, not looking back.


Thank you for reading!

Ok so Yule Ball will be in the next few chapters!

Really excited! I hope you are enjoying.

Comment! Woop!

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