Lucy Clock

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I will probably be doing a lot of Lucy POV if you don't mind. xx


I sit on my bed, still raging after this afternoons events. I told Lily and she ranted about it for ages before calling it a night and going to bed. And to believe I helped Potter in Potions. My hands form into fists and my nails dig into my skin. I give up and put on my worn out skinny jeans and a baggy Nervana t-shirt. I leave off my shoes and slip out of the dorm. I creep down the stairs and through the portrait hole. I creep down the halls in my bare feet. I keep my eyes out for the picture. I notice it and look around. I tickle the pear and turn the handle to get in. I am greeted by my favourite people in the world, the house elves. I smile at them and shake their hands. They take me to a table. I sit down.

"Could I have some ice cream?" It appears in a few seconds and I eat it quickly. They make me more and more. I spoon some chocolate into my mouth when I hear the handle being turned and the door opening. I keep my eyes on the chocolate ice-cream. I here the house elves greeting them as "Master Sirius, Master James, Master Peter and Master Remus." I scoff. I hate people who treat house elves as nothing. I started coming here at the beginning of the year and continue to come. They began calling me  Miss Lucy but I refused and insisted they call me just plain Lucy. I eat some more ice-cream quietly as Potter and the others don't realise I am here. I hear footsteps coming through here and silence. I continue to eat. Black breaks the silence. "How did you find this place then?" Black asks sitting down across from me. He realises I am angry. I ball my left hand into a fist and glare at the bowl. "Um, Trotty would you mind getting me another chocolate if it isn't too much trouble?" I smile sweetly at the elf and she nods and scurries off. Many people treat their house elves horribly but I go for a different approach. I overhear Black and Potter.

"Chicken, roast potatoes, gravy and um cake. Yeah Cake... Oh and a hot chocolate." The elf nods and runs aways. He glanced at me, obviously wanting some thanks from Black but not getting any. Trotty returns with my ice cream and she added and small wafer. I smile and thank her for it and dig in. I eat slowly. Black and Potters food is taking a while longer than it usually would. One simple thank could have gotten it faster but nooo. God forbid they were ever nice. I finish and take my bowl through to the sinks. I crouch down and thank the little house elves and wave goodbye. I slide out the portrait and check if the coast is clear. I creep along but hear the familiar footsteps and Filch. I curse under my breath and hide in the nearest open room. Its filled with instruments, obviously never used as they are covered in a thick layer of dust. I pick up and violin that I learned to play. I put a silence charm on the room and play a few tunes. I smile. I love playing the violin. I play a complicated tune. I play a few instruments. I wander about. Hating that the place is covered in dust. I don't know what came over me but I started to clear the room. I set up the music stands and dusted instruments. I swept the floor with an old brush and dusted everything. I know I could have used magic but I wanted to do this myself. I set up a table at the front and put some stuff on it. As long as no one else finds this. It will be my hide out. The place I come to get away. I sit in an old chair and drift off to sleep.

I wake up feeling uncomfy and sore. I look about, I begin to remember yesterdays events. I look around the room. I smile slightly to myself. My hide away. I check the time. 4:00am. I groan. I creep down the hallway and slip into the common room. I sit on the couch and drift off to sleep.


Many weeks passed. The usual routine was: Get up, Breakfast, Class, Dinner, Homework and all this time ignore Potters Crowd. Occasionally he would ask Lily out when I was there. By this time The Halloween dance was announced.

I hunt through my cupboard, searching for something to wear to the dance. Lily's parents sent her a costume but my parents couldn't afford one. We usually made them when I was younger. I chuck stuff out. I give up and flop on my bed. We have about two hours until the dance. 

"Heeeelp!" I groan. Lily, Alice and Molly (Who have already got their costumes) begin to hunt through my clothes. 

Alice is going as Alice in Wonderland from the classic muggle book. Molly is going as a duck (which Arthur Wealsey has taken a liking to...) and Lily is a cat. I.. I don't even know..

"What about a... um, zombie?" Lily suggests. I shrug my shoulders "Whatever.." she takes out her make up kit. With Molly, Alice and Lily working they are finished with my face in about an hour.. They chuck me my clothes and I change into them. They out on theirs and we take turns doing each others hair. Alices hair is put back in a hairband, Molly's is in a high pony tail and Lily's is down in curls. I back comb my hair and leave it down. We all look great. I take out my camera and we get some pictures. The dance is being held in the great hall. We head down. Looking at others. Lily runs off to find Severus and Molly spots Arthur. He gives her an awkward wave and I push her in his direction. I catch Alice looking at Frank. "Go." I whisper to her. She smiles but shakes her head.

"I couldn't leave you." She says. I smile and hug her but assure her I will be fine. So, I walk down the halls alone towards the great hall. Lily, Alice and Molly outdone themselves. I look like I am the walking dead. I look at the other girls in their really short costumes, wearing barely anything. Lily picked out a pair of ripped black jeans and a scruffy top. I notice many boys didn't make an effort, some had just come with casual clothes and doggy ears on. I make it to the hall and sit next to Lily and Sev. They smile. We sit for a while before they go off and dance. I sit awkwardly, not being much of a dancer and tap my foot. Apparently being late is cool because a hour into the dance Potter and co show up. They are is casual clothes but Potter with antlers, Black with dog ears, petigrew with a rat tail and ears and remus as a werewolf. I roll my eyes. Typical. I wave across the room to Regulus, a boy who is friends with Sev and has been nice to me in the past. He waves back and comes over. 

"Hey. Lucy right?" He asks smiling with his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, your Regulus, Sev's friend?" I reply. He nods.

"Do um.. you wanna dance?" He looks at his feet. 

"Sure." I gulp. We walk on to the floor.

Ok. So lets just say I am not great at dancing. I stepped on his feet many times and that followed with an amount of apologising. He said it was alright but I continued to apologise.

Now I am sitting back down next to Lily and Sev, Molly and Arthur and Alice and Frank. I feel like I am not wanted. I smile and sip my drink. I hope I didn't hurt Regulus' feet too much. I look around. I see a few people dancing but most have left or sat down. In a corner Black and some hufflepuff girl are snogging. Even though I have been ignoring him I feel jealous. God snap out of it. I hit myself on the head multiple times which makes everyone at the table look at me. "I am just gonna go to bed..." I mumble and wander off. 

I sit in the common room for a while studying. I come across a spell I haven't heard before. It's only mentioned once and there is no explanation on what it does. I am somewhat, intrigued...

I spent most of my free time researching this spell. It's not in any books. I look closer at it and realise something. It has been written in. The words "Sectumsempra." is written in a familiar hand writing.


What do you guys think?(:

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