Chapter 7

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Brooklyn POV


“Hey baby! Just wanted to wish you good luck!” Harry said. 

“Harry, aren’t you supposed to be in an interview?”


“Harry you have to stop leaving these things! I appreciate the call, but you need to go back to your job! Ok?”

“Hmph ok. Love you, good luck!” 

“Thanks, love you too” 

“What did lover boy have to say?” Bailey asked as we walked through the streets of New York City. 

“Just saying good luck”

“Aw how cute!”

“Yeah, whatever!” We finally arrived at the office building. 

“Hi, we’re here to see Carmella?” I told the receptionist. 


“Brooklyn and Bailey Jones.”

“Ah, yes” She said, looking through a notebook, “Right through those doors and to the left”

“Ok, thanks!”

“Of course, good luck!” We nodded and flashed a smile. Oh gosh I was so nervous. 

We knocked on the glass door which clearly showed the famous fashion legacy. 

“Come in” She said barely looking up. 

“Hi, Carmela, it’s a pleasure to meet you!” Bailey gushed. 

“Ah, the Jones sisters! How are you both?” She asked, getting up and giving as a welcoming hug. 

“Good and you?” I asked. 

“I’m wonderful! So lets get this started, shall we?” She asked, clapping her hands together. 

“Yes, of course” We set up our designs and what not and placed them on a display board. 

“So we wanted to shoot for the girls in their teens and women in their twenties. That crowd that goes to parties still and isn’t focusing on business so much yet.” I started. 

“We had a couple of drawings, maxi dresses, mini skirts, tops, things within those categories.” Bailey said, placing a few drawings on Carmela’s desk. She looked at them intently, nodding her head as her eyes wandered. 

“Mmm I like this” She said under her breathe. “And what were you thinking of the labels name?” She asked. 

“Well we were thinking of B.Jones?” I asked, pointing to a sample tag. 

“I like it, I like it very much. I can see this going far! Very far!” She said, excitingly. 

I let a light squeal leave my mouth. “Wow, that means so much coming from you!”

“Girls, I would be honored to help you through anything and to have you work for our company!” She said. Bailey and I looked at each other with smiles beaming on our faces. “Now, we will keep in touch and have a due date for the first line, ok?” We nodded. 

On the subway back to the arena the boys were performing in that night Bailey and I were having a moment, processing what just happened. Finally we reach our stop and exited the train. We entered the theatre and the boys were on stage rehearsing. They didn’t notice us walking in. I quietly sang along to Gotta Be You while I dropped everything and ran onto the stage, flinging myself into Harry’s arms. I tackled him to the ground. 

“I’m guessing you guys got the job?” He asked, lying on the ground. I nodded my head before smashing my lips onto his. 

“OK, enough! ENOUGH! We really don’t need you guys to you know on this stage.” Louis said. 

Harry POV

-during concert- 

“Hello!” I cheered into the mic. The crowd of mostly teenage girls screamed. Seriously, I don’t understand how we are still this popular like 6 years later, but listen, I’m not complaining. “How are you all tonight?” I asked. I looked into the front row, finding the two familiar girls who are always on their phones during our concerts. They were close enough for me to just lean down and grab it, so that’s exactly what I did. 

“Don’t you know to listen when you’re boyfriend is performing?” I said into the microphone while throwing Niall Bailey’s phone and sliding Brooklyn’s into my pocket. Her jaw dropped in disbelief. How dare I take her social media away from her? I’m so mean! 

“Hey guys! Brooklyn and Bailey, my cousins” Louis started, 

“And my girlfriend, not Bailey, Brooklyn. But I love Bailey too!” I said 

“Shut up Harry! Well they are opening up a clothing line and you all better get their clothes, or else!” Louis said, sounding a bit too serious. The crowd cheered. I saw Brooklyn and Bailey’s faces brighten. I saw Brooklyn mouth something to me.

“What’s that sweety?” I asked into the microphone. She rolled her eyes as I handed her the microphone. 

“Can I have my phone back?” She asked innocently. 
I put on a thinking face before saying,

“Ugh you’re so annoying” she groaned sitting onto the seat. All our fans ‘awed’ and she blushed. Instead I took her phone out and took a picture of her and then I took a picture of the audience and then I took a picture of me with the audience in the background. It was like I was a professional photographer.

“Ok, well Harry, if you’re done…” Liam said. 

“Oh yeah, sorry” I said putting her phone back in my pocket. 

“Sometimes I question your sanity.” Zayn murmured. 

We performed the couple of songs and then exited to change, before going back on stage to start twitter questions. 

“Can you rap You Need Me Man I Don’t Need You while Liam beatboxes?” 

“I’m almost positive Harry picked this one” Zayn said. 

“Yes, because I can really rap.” I said. 

“Yeah, but now you’re gonna call up Brooklyn and Bailey to do it and be all over Brooklyn while she’s on stage and then you’re gonna beg her to stay on stage while we finish the concert.” Liam said. 


“When we say this guy is whipped, we mean it.” Niall said. The crowd roared with laughter. 

“Soooooooooo Harry are you gonna rap it or are you gonna call up Brook and Bails?” Liam asked. I looked over at Brooklyn and she sighed at my cheeky smile before pulling Bailey onto stage. She grabbed my mic and Bailey took Louis’s. 

“You’re not on my good side tonight, Styles” She said, as I pulled her onto my lap while I sat on the couch, “Ok, Liam start.” She said. I don’t know how these girls did it but they know every single word. 

“Now I’m in town breaking down thinking of making a new sound play a different show every night in front of a new crowd thats you now ciao seems that life is great now” And they kept going until the last word. 

“Give it up for the very talented and very tone deaf Jone’s sisters!” Louis said, taking his mic back. 
Bailey went down the stairs. I let Brooklyn get up. 

“Hey don’t I get a good bye kiss” She turned around looked at me, smiled and said no. 


I ran up to Brooklyn took her wrist, spun her around and said, “I don’t think that’s how it works” I said. 

“Oh really?” 

“Nope” I leaned in, placing a kiss on her lips. “Love you” I said against her lips. 

“Mmmmmlove you too” She said, reaching into my pocket and taking her phone back. She flashed me a smile before walking off. 

“Echm whipped” Niall coughed. I cleared my throat and walked back to the guys. 

We finished our concert. 

“Hey, I think I’m gonna go home tonight” Brooklyn said. 

“Aw, really?” I asked, buckling my seat belt in the SUV. 

“Yeah, I haven’t slept in my bed in forever.” She said. 

“Can I come?” I asked. 

“To my house?”

“Yeah, I mean I haven’t spent any alone time with you yet.” I said. She shrugged and then nodded. 

Brooklyn POV 

“Ok, sure. Bails you going home too?” I asked. 

“Um, yeah, I guess” She said. Both Bailey and I had our own apartments but they were right across the hall from them. 

After Harry got a few things, we took the subway down town. 

“I’m really excited” Harry said with a smile on his face. 

“Yeah I can tell” I said tapping his nose. “Why are you so excited though, we spend practically every night together” I said, and no, we still haven’t.. Um.. Yeah but I want to wait until the time is perfect. And I know what you’re thinking, what time isn’t perfect with Harry Styles, but still. 

“Because, I get my girl all to myself” He said, cuddling into me. 

“Aw, you guys are so cute. I can’t even” Bailey said sarcastically, across the train. 

“Yeah, well when you get a boyfriend, you try not being all mushy and then come back to me” I snapped. 

“Yeah, well I don’t see a boyfriend any time soon in my future, so” She trailed off. 

“Pshhhhh” Harry said, rolling his eyes. “We’ll see about that” The subway stopped and we got off. Harry and I walked hand in hand down the street. I had to take massive steps to keep up with him. 

I watched our legs take steps in sync. 

“Hey Bails, can you take a picture of us walking?” I asked handing her my phone. I was just as bad with instagram as I was with twitter. I see a perfect picture, my phone is out and camera is ready. 

She did, walking behind us. 

“Thanks love” I said taking my phone and posting it on instagram. I had to stop on the sidewalk to focus on what I was doing, but then I felt myself being lifted in the air and into Harry’s arms. “Harry what are you doing?” I asked. 

“Sorry you were walking too slow” He said smiling at me. 

“Are you like my own personal camel or something?” 

“Sure?” I laughed kissing his cheek and going back to my phone. With the many conversations that Harry and I have on twitter, people have found my twitter, instagram, tumblr, and even facebook, which I rarely use anymore. So because of that, I now have 1000 likes on instagram after 5 seconds. 

“You can put me down if you would like, Prince Charming” I said winking at him. 

“Hmmm, ok” He said. He gently placed me back onto the ground. We finally reached my building and greeted the doorman before heading the elevator. 

“This is a nice building” Harry said, while in the elevator. 

“Thanks” Both Bailey and I said at the same time. 

“Ok night Bails” I said unlocking my door and motioning for Harry to go in. 

“Night you too, don’t keep me up all night” she said, winking at me and then going into her pad.

“You hungry?” I asked, locking the door. 

“A little bit, what do you got?” 

“Um,” I said walking over to my kitchen. “Oreos and peanut butter sound good?”

“Oreos and peanut butter? Ew! Who does that?” 

“Tell me you’ve never seen Parent Trap and I will actually kill you” 

“Of course I’ve seen Parent Trap, but I didn’t know people actually did that!” He whined. 

“Oh try it, its so good!” I said, taking out the ingredients for our midnight snack. I took an oreo and slabbed it with a good amount of peanut butter before throwing it into my mouth. 

“Milk! That’s what I forgot” I said getting up. I got two glasses and poured some in both. I walked back to Harry who still had a disgusted look in his face. “Do I need to feed you?” 

His eyes left the snack and came to me, “Do I have to?” He asked. I nodded before creating a treat. 

“Open wide” He hesitantly opened his mouth and I put the cookie on his tongue. 

“Mmm not bad” He admitted. I smiled and rewarded his dare devil self with a kiss. He lifted his cup of milk and took a big gulp while I put another cookie into my mouth. When he removed the cup from his lips he had a huge milk mustache. 

“What? whats so funny?” He asked, while I held my stomach from laughing. 

“You have a… milk mustache” I said in between laugher. 

“Oh and thats soooo funny” He said starting to tickle me.

“Harry! Harry stop! I can’t breathe” 

“Then don’t laugh at me” 

“Ok” I said. He stopped and I struggled to not laughing. He stared at me for a while, before leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on my lips. Before I knew it, I was brought, bridal style, into my room and placed onto my bed. 

“Don’t move” Harry said, looking deep into my eyes before running off. 

Was I ready? I mean of course I’m not a virgin, I’m 22 and all, but was I ready for Harry? I mean he would listen if I said no, right? But did I want to say no? No. I didn’t want to say no. I loved Harry with all I had in me. 

Harry came back, searching through his phone. He put it onto my iHome and pressed play. Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran filled my room. I closed my eyes and inhaled. I was startled when lips attached my neck. 

“you’re so beautiful” Harry whispered. I took his head in my hands and brought it back to my lips. 

“I love you” I said before smashing my lips onto his. 

And you can guess where the night took us…

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