Chapter 18

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Brooklyn POV

"Isn't it so pretty?" I asked, lying on the floor of the store, staring out the large window that looked out into the city. 

"Beauitful!" Harry said, leaning over me to place a kiss on my lips. 

We drifted off to sleep in each others arms, not even realizing that the hard floors of my store would practically break our backs. 

Harry POV

"There you guys are!" I heard, footsteps getting closer and closer. I fluttered my eyes to be blinded by a bright light. I shiffted and felt that my arm was asleep and a heavy weight was on it. I looked down to see Brooklyn peacefully snuggled into me, her head resting on my tingling arm. 

"Hmmm?" I asked, closing my eyes again, not realizing that Bailey was in the room still. 

"You know I had to feed Baylor last night because you guys never came home. And this morning. I got so scared!" She blabbered on. 

"Bailey, it's too early" Brooklyn said into my chest. 

"It's flipping 11 in the morning!" She squealed. 

"Oh shit!" Brooklyn said shooting up. "Ok, not the best idea" She said, holding her head. I chuckled and sat up as well, pulling her closer. 

"Really, you couldn't walk 5 blocks to get a good night sleep?" Bailey said, sitting down. 

"We just kind of fell asleep" I admitted. 

"Anyways, what was the big surprise?" She asked. 

"We are moving into an apartment in London!" Brooklyn squealed. 

"You're what?" Bailey asked flabbergasted. 

"London. Harry and I living together!" Brooklyn said slower. 

"What about the store?" Bailey asked, disappointed. 

"Don't worry, I'm not getting rid of my apartment!" Brooklyn said. Bailey nodded. "So I should probably start packing, correct?" She asked. 

"Nope" I said. 

"What do you mean 'Nope"?" she asked. 

"I got it covered." I said getting up and dusting myself off. 

"What do you mean 'I got it covered'?" 

"Would you stop mimiking me? Just don't worry, you can thank me later" I said. 

"NO WAY! YOU GOT HER A NEW CLOSET?" Bailey screamed.

"What?" Brooklyn said, looking at Bailey and then me, "You did?" She asked with a hopeful smile.

I groaned. "Well, thanks Bails."

"yay yay yay!" Brooklyn jumped around and then flunger herself at me. "You're the best boyfriend ever!" She said.

"It was supposed to be a surprise!" I huffed.

"Well, don't worry, I'm surprised! And I'll act surprised when I walk in! I'll practice now" She gasped and flung her hand over her mouth in sock. "See, I'm a pro"

"You're an idiot" I said, pulling her into my arms.  

The rest of the day consisted of Brooklyn whining to see pictures of our new home.... and her closet, which I am furious with Bailey for spilling. 

Brooklyn POV

"Wait, one sec" I said, pondering a thought. 

"Yes?" Harry asked, sitting back in the couch, turning his head away from watching Crazy Stupid Love. 

"Where is Baylor going?" I asked. 

"What do you mean, he's right there?" Harry said pointing to the growing dog who was snoring on his cushion. 

"No, when we go to London..." I said. 

"Oh, he's coming with us."

"How can a dog go on a plane?" Can't they only go on in a small carrier or something? Baylor is WAY too big to go in a carrier, nor am I strong enough to carry him.

"Puhlease, do you know who I am?" I cocked my eyebrow, knowing exactly where he was going with this. Conceded bastard. "I'm flipping Harry Styles" He said getting up and pushing his fist into the open air, in a victory type of way. "I can get anything I want." He said. 

"Is that so?" I asked, playfully rolling my eyes. 

"Well, I want you and I kind of sorta have you." He stated getting closer to me.

"Kinda sorta" I whispered. 

"Kinda sorta" He repeated again, before smashing his lips against mine. My fingers tangled in his hair as he lifted me up and brought me onto his lap. I placed one leg on either side of him, his hands resting at my waist. I couldn't help but let a light moan leave my lips. We were interrupted by Baylor barking. 

"Mmmmshutup" Harry said against my lips, but that doesn't stop Baylor. He kept barking. 

"Harry..." i mummbled, but Harry just kept kissing me. "Harry" I said again, but he still didn't pull away. "Harry!" I said louder. He jolted away and accidently pushed me off of him, making me tumble onto the ground and my butt hitting the floor, hard. "Owwww!" I groaned. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry" he said, getting down to my level and rubbing my back. "You ok?"

"You know, I've been better" I said sarcastically as Harry helped me up. "But we need to take Baylor on a walk" I said, getting his leash and putting it around his neck. 

"Do we have to?" Harry stomped towards me. I gave him a look. "OK, mom.." He said rolling his eyes. 

"Ok, don't use the mom thing with me, because that's just awkward." I said. He nodded in agreement, chuckling as he closed the door behind him. 

We walked Baylor a good 5 blocks and decided we better get back and get some sleep because we have a 10 oclock flight meaning airport at 8. 

"I love you" I said snuggling into Harry. 

"Love you too, princess!" He said, pulling me into his arms. I fell asleep, easily, thinking about all that tomorrow will bring. 

Harry POV

I woke up to my phone vibrating on the nightstand. I looked at the clock, 7:01am. I groaned, slipping out of bed and heading to the shower. The beauty of having a whole wardrobe in London is neither Brooklyn or me need to pack big suitcases, of course the first 3 days where we are in Holmes Chappel, and then my bag from when we on tour, but that is all. 

When I got out of the bathroom, Brooklyn was still in bed, curled under the covers. 

"Babe," I lightly said, bending down so I was at eye level with her. "Hey, Brook you need to get up" I said softly. She fluttered her eyes open and then quickly shut them, turning around to the other side. 

"Brooklyn, don't make me tickle you" I said. She mumbled something. "3," I started counting down. She didn't move. "2" I saw her tense up a bit. I jumped on her as I finished my countdown, letting my fingers dig into her sides. 

"AHHHH HARRY! IT'S TOO EARLY! PLEASE STOP" She said in between laughter. "OK, I'M UP!" She surrendered. 

"Not without a good morning makeout session" I said, cheekily. 

"You're not getting a 'makeout session' if you're gonna cal it that" She said putting air quotes around makeout session. I leaned down closer to her. 

"Makeout session" I said, mocking her before planted a wet kiss on her lips. 

"Ew, gross" She said whiping it away when I pulled away. 

"Ok, getting your bum out of bed and get ready!" I cheered, rolling off her. She dragged herself into the bathroom and in no time we were both ready. 

Outfit in external link. I'm so tired so I'm gonna leave it at that. Night!  

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