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March 25th 1985
Warnings: sexual content
Melissa's POV
It was hard saying goodbye to the kids. They were all in tears as we dropped them off at Rogers mums house although they were excited to spend some time with their grandma. I had the most time saying goodbye to Edward and Eric the most because I would again be missing a few months of their life.

Roger had to comfort me the whole way to the airport as I was a complete crying mess. I didn't expect it really and neither did Roger. Once we got on the plane I was fine except for when we had to take off cause you know I usually always got scared on a flight.

Anyway, we safely landed in Rio and were greeted with a large crowd of cameras and fans desperately wanting the boys. Roger held onto my hand extremely tight careful not to lose me in the large crowds.

We finally made it to the hotel. It was the poshest hotel in Rio and I was living for it. It had a swimming pool and spa, a bar and restaurant. It was great. And it was right outside the beach was meant we were ought to have a great view.

Roger kindly held onto my hand luggage and his as we went up to find our room. Once we did Roger didn't waste a second to open the door.

He immediately dropped our bags and picked me up to twirl me around "we're finally alone!" He exclaimed as he twirled me around in circles. He puts me down and pushes me up against the door immediately kissing me. Just like in the old days "do you hear that love?"

"Hear what?" I took his sunglasses and rested them on his head so I could see his eyes staring directly at me.

"The sound of silence," he said looking like the happiest man ever living.

"Hello darkness my old friend," I sang trying my best to keep a straight a face. I had the opportunity to sing the song 'the sound of silence' why not take it?

"You are something aren't you?"

"Well I'm your princess" I booped his nose before pushing right past him to have a look around the room. It was lit up with the sunshine through the window. It had a massive living room which faced a giant window and two steps leading up to the bedroom "Is every hotel gonna be like this?"

"Possibly but who cares as long as we're together" he picked me up bridal style making me scream because I didn't expect it. He climbed up the two stairs and threw me on the bed. I watched him as He climbed on top of me before pulling me into a kiss. My hands went straight to cup his face from habit. Our lips kept moving for more and more of each other. He put his arms around me and turned me over so that I was on top of him, his lips never left mine. His hands slowly crept down my back and rested on my hips.

We hadn't been this intimate since the time we were trying for a baby and that was about 13-14 months ago. And now that we had some freedom we could use that advantage for our benefit to have some fun.

"I've bloody missed you," Roger said as he watched me take my dress off. His gaze went up and down looking at every inch of my body as I sat on his lap. I started to unbutton his shirt leaving a kiss on his chest after each button was removed. Once I reached his belt I was quick to remove it and then along with his pants "your being a little unfair Princess"

He looked down at my boobs and I rolled my eyes at him. I say back up in his lap and let his hand take my bra off "you happy now?" I ask

"Very happy" I see this throw my bra across the room and then pull me into a kiss. Once again he turned me around making the bed creek a little "fuck your hot," he said making me blush

"I could say the same about you" a smirk grew on his face before he kissed me again. He slowly started leaving kisses more like bloody marks down my body before he reaches between my legs.

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