chapter 4 - no free time

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slipping on his charcoal black combat boots, before crouching down to tie his laces, james waited beside the doorway for mark to be ready for their session at the training centre.

thoughts of how close they were the night before and how warm and cozy he felt beside him ran through his head as he watched his fingers gripping onto the laces tightly. he longed to experience more moments like that, unforgettable ones. moments that made his heart flutter whenever he thought about them. they made him feel at ease.

"jammo! almost ready!" mark yelled from the bathroom, the splashing of the tap water coming to a halt as he turned it off.

"alright.. but hurry, i don't wanna keep marius and monika waiting." he replied sternly as he got back to his feet, his voice much quieter than mark's.

"yeah yeah, gimme a sec!" his voice grew louder as the bathroom door opened, revealing the man with his white tank top, camo-printed combat pants and his own pair of leather boots that almost matched james'. his curly brown locks laid neatly upon his head and his beard was freshly shaved to a thin stubble.

james couldn't take his eyes off him, a struggle to peel them away from his ever growing beauty. mark shot a wink as he walked towards him with a smirk.

"like what'ya see, pretty boy?" he teased, poking him in the shoulder.

"sh-shut up, dickhead." his cheeks grew rosy, a reaction that was happening far too often for his liking.

"right-e-oh, let's get a move on." he insisted, wrapping an arm around his shoulder as he opened their apartment door swiftly.

as if by instinct, james nuzzled his head against his shoulder, snuggling into the side of his neck as they left the apartment.


the soles of their boots skidded and squeaked against the tiled ground beneath them as they approached the large double-doored entrance of the training centre.

"are the gadgets still in the armoury?" james asked quietly earning a confident nod from mark.

he soon stopped in his tracks, james still walking ahead before noticing.. he turned around with furrowed brows in concern.

"y'know what, why don't us four stuff training for today and head on over to the park?" mark suggested with a smile, stepping towards him to pat his shoulder.

"won't harry and mira get like pissed with us?" he asked hesitantly in a quiet tone, anxious at the mischievous tone he adorned.

"i'm sure they won't mind it, we work our asses off as it is. come on, let's go ask jägs and mon." without being able to respond, mark was already heading off through the double doors.

james sighed, rolling his eyes as he picked up his pace to catch up with him. entering the facility, he spotted mark heading over to marius and monika, who seemed to be tweaking and fixing up their gadgets on a nearby bench.

"ayyy, mari, moni, you alright?" mark greeted bashfully, a juxtaposition with his nickname 'mute' that james always snickered at.

"hey there, how are you two doing?" marius replied, eyes travelling to james who was approaching shortly after.

"not too bad, mate. was wondering if you fancied heading over to the park?" he asked with a smile, gesturing to the direction of the park with his thumb.

"oh, i'm sorry," monika spoke, setting her electronics detector device beside her. "we're being deployed soon, you two included. the briefing will be later today." she informed with a frown as she watched mark's face fall.

"dammit, why doesn't harry tell us these things?" mark exclaimed in annoyance flailing his hands about.

"right? we only got told like twenty minutes ago ourselves - a tragedy, bud." marius agreed, shaking his head with a sigh.

"ah well, guess we'll get some training in before then right?" mark suggested, turning to james who simply shrugged in response.

"come on, grumpy face." he teased poking him. he simply rolled his eyes and shifted closer to him.

"see you guys at briefing." he bid his farewell shortly earning hums of acknowledgement from the germans.

it had been a month or so since he was last deployed and james was growing worried about the situation. he tried to control those horrid thought that ate away at him, praying inside that he would be fit for the task. he longed to feel confident about his job again.

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