chapter 5 - hell-icopter

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"idaho. suspicious packages were spotted entering an old warehouse, intel tells us. an unidentifiable gang in hoods and masks. white masks..."

"like at the university a few years back?" mark questioned with worry as he leaned against the edge of the table of the briefing room.

"exactly. turns out that can't have been the last of them," harry sighed, "first sighting since bartlett."

"let's make sure they never come back again, then." marius insisted with his arms crossed and a confident nod.

"mute, smoke," their heads sprung up at the call of their names attentively, "you two will head in from below, work your way up the building." harry instructed earning swift nods. "iq, jäger; you two will head in from the roof, hopefully meeting in the middle." they followed shortly, humming with confidence in response.

"we'll also be deploying ace to assist you all if needed." he explained with his hands tucked behind his back and chin held high.

when all was confirmed, they set out to fetch their gear and prepare for the mission ahead. marius and monika left the room first, janes and mark following shortly.

"so, you ready for this, jam jar?" mark asked wrapping an arm around his shoulder comfortingly. he felt him shudder slightly beneath his grasp.

"i guess... i mean, y'know.." he struggled to get his words out, throat tightening slightly.

"it's okay to be nervous, i'll be with you this time." he reassured squeezing his shoulders with his arm.

"i know it's just... a warehouse. bad place." he emphasised with a fearful gaze into his chocolate eyes.

mark gave him a knowing look, a feeling of guilt and sadness gnawing at his chest.

"hey. you're gonna be safe with me. don't you worry about a thing." he promised gazing into his eyes.

"i know. i just hope you'll be safe with me..."

in an instance, james broke from his grasp and stormed up ahead with a sniffle. mark stopped in his tracks and gazed at the ground with a sigh. he knew exactly what he meant.

he doubted himself. always saw himself as a burden. never wanting to put others in danger because of past experiences haunting him. it affected him every mission. he grew used to it, but wished he didn't have to deal with it for others' sakes, especially james.


"you all ready to go?" mark asked nudging james as he picked up his backpac.

"ready as i'll ever be i guess." he sighed, running his finger over his scar.

"hey.." he shyed away. "hey!" mark repeated, sternly this time, forcing him to look. "you're gonna be fine. we'll take 'em out quick and quiet. easy peasy." he assured with confidence as he rested a hand on his shoulder.

"i don't wanna lose you. don't do anything stupid." james stared at him seriously, the tone of his voice was chilling. it was almost a threat.

"let's go, jammo." he sighed, grabbing his gun from the rack.

they made their way to marius' helicopter, climbing in and greeting monika and håvard. they both nodded in response. james sat next to håvard, mark across from him by monika. after marius checked if everyone was ready, they took off shortly. mark's eyes were glued to james', offering him reassuring expressions in attempts to ease his anxiety. james found it hard to look at him, worries still clouding his troubled mind.

"so, what's up with him?" håvard asked as he gestured to a shaky james beside him.

he gulped and looked out the window, mark and monika giving each other a pitiful look.

"there's no need for you to worry." mark insisted waving him off.

"i mean, we're literally going into combat with a man shaking like a dog. i think i kinda have to worry." he retorted arrogantly to which james felt tears welling beneath his mask.

"hey, back off man." mark grew angered lifting from his seat a little in annoyance.

"what? i just wanna know why he's acting like such a mess." he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms childishly with a sigh and tapping his boot-clad feet together in their crossed position.

"it's none of your fucking business, so leave him be." he insisted with his nose scrunching and eyes widening beneath his mask.

"fine, but don't blame me when he's as good as dead in there." he sighed and rolled his eyes once more earning a hard punch to the face from mark unable to control himself.

james and monika gasped in shock as håvard grasped his nose with a whine of sheer pain, mark breathing heavily as he shook off his hand. james began to shake even more, feeling panicked from the commotion he he felt he was causing. mark noticed instantly and clutched his shaky thigh firmly.

"what the fuck is going on back there?" marius questioned in a concerned yell. he earned no response from his team.

"hey, i'm sorry. please calm down, james. everything's gonna be alright." mark insisted with regret due to his emotions getting the better of him.

"when we get back to the base, i'm gonna fucking deck you, chandar." ace threatened with a nasally tone as he clutched his bruised nose wincing. "you're lucky i ain't fucking bleeding."

"yeah yeah, keep your big mouth shut then, dickhead." he taunted, crossing his arms with a

"if you two are finished bickering, i'd like to get us all to that warehouse safely, so please shut up for a while." marius insisted in disbelief at their pettiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2022 ⏰

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