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Yoongi woke up, for some reason, unknown to even him. He leaned over to grab his phone, when he felt something pull him back. He jumped slightly till he recognized the arm, and who it was connected to. Hoseok, in his sleep, had spooned Yoongi. At the thought of it, he went completely red.

He quickly grabbed his phone, and checked the time. 2:53 am... perfect. When he said that his sleeping schedule was fucked, he meant it. He would sometimes not sleep for days, or wake up in the middle of the night..

Maybe I could get some work done? He could at least by productive if hes awake.

Yoongi turned his head towards the other boy. Their noses were basically touching, and he could feel Hoseok's breath fan his face. You should really tell him Yoongi... what do you have to lose? He thought, everything. The thought of losing Hoseok physically pained him. But you also have everything to gain... true

He wanted to... he really wanted to tell him, but he was terrified. So, it's going to stay this way, until Hoseok asks, or even after that, and God knows when that will be, if ever. His heart did a things when he thought about being with Hoseok. Yoongi wasn't sure if it was excitement, or anxiety... probably both.

He watched him for a while....that seems creepy... w e l p

Soon, he wiggled himself out of Hoseok's arm, and made his way to his "studio"... its not really a studio, it's an extremely small "second bedroom" more like closet. But it can fit everything he needs, so it works.

He walked in, sat down, and started up his computer. Plugged in his headphones, he searched for the folder he was looking for, eyes scanning over his background. It was just plain black, with the word 'suga' written in the center.

When they were younger, Yoongi and Namjoon decided on rap names together. His younger friend found with Rap Monster, which he thankfully changed now to RM, which in Yoongi's opinion is catchier. He had chosen suga, he just thought it sounded right. When he joined the underground rap scene, he saved the name suga, and went with gloss. He felt like when he got older, he would get a more.... offical job? Not that he didnt love what he did, it's some if his fondest memories.

Yoongi still hoped to use that name, when he eventually, hopefully, got signed. For his 20th birthday, Seokjin had gotten him large rings, that spelled out 'suga' across his fingers. He cried a lot that day.

The new work he was doing, wasnt really new. It was a remake of his old song, the one he used to do underground, the one Hoseok had listened to. He almost forgot about that... that was a few months ago wasnt it? They hadn't even talked at that point... It feels weird, remembering when he wasnt with Hoseok. He could have sworn they had known eachother their whole lives, he really couldn't imagine his life without that little ball of sunshine, as cheesy as that sounds.

He worked on his new piece for about an hour, till he heard a faint knock on his door. He looked up, and awed at the sight. Hoseok was holding one of his throw blankets tightly around his shoulders. His hair was a mess and his eyes were half open.

"Hey Seok," Yoongi greated him with a soft voice," why're you up?" Hoseok shrugged.

"I dont know, shift in the force I guess." Yoongi chuckled, "I thought I said you had to sleep more." Hoseok walked over to him, and grabbed his wrist. "Hobi I need to-" he was interrupted, "dont try to win with cute nicknames, because it might just work." Yoongi's eyes widened, " now save what you were working on because we're going to bed." He tried to sound demanding, but he was half asleep.

Nonetheless.....Yoongi did as he was told.

Soon enough, Yoongi found himself back in his bed, the covers up to his chin. Hoseok fell asleep basically as soon as his head hit the pillow. Only now did Yoongi realize his wrist was still being held by the younger... he didn't mind.

In the dim colored lights of his room, Hoseok looked handsome. The lights were hitting him perfectly, or maybe there could be no bad shadows on the brown haired boy's face. He looked like a prince, Yoongi decided. The purple hue in the room made him look like royalty, he was pretty enough to have played any Disney prince easily.

His pretty lips and sharp nose were unreal, and his jawline was so pronounced Yoongi thought that if he touched it he might cut himself. He loved his hair, still as fluffy as the first time they talked. He managed to make messy hair attractive, not fair.

Thoughts like this scared him, making it clear to him how he felt about Hobi, his Hobi. It became more and more evident, every time they hung out, that he was falling, hard. Like, he doesn't feel like he will ever get up, fallen. 'Ha, I've fallen and I can't get up.' He thought, somewhat bitterly

He forced himself to shut his eyes and attempt to sleep. But the warm hand on his wrist, and his racing thoughts and heart aren't great for sleeping. Eventually, around 5, he drifted to sleep.

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