Chapter 14

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5 days I've been here. 5 fucking days of no sleep constant interruptions and having to put my businesses on hold. My father has been in and out of here trying to keep me updated on everything that's going on. No one can know that I am hospitalized because then our enemies will try and make a move on us. It hasn't been easy keeping everything running smoothly without anyone knowing. I need to get out of here but these doctors are playing with me, they say my incision hasn't healed yet so I risk infection but I call bullshit. On the plus side I've been able to see Cassie more. Our conversations have been short but I've finally made her laugh and she's finally responding to me.

There is a knock on the door.

"Hello Mr. Davis how are you feeling?"

"Cassie I thought we were on a first name basis now." I scowl at her

" I'm sorry it is unprofessional of me to call you by your first name." She says

"Well no one is here except you and me. When can I get out of here?" I change the subject

"Well that's exactly what I came to tell you, we are discharging you tomorrow morning." She smiles


She stays smiling at me and I can't help but notice the sparkle in her eyes. We just stare at each other for some time until I finally break the silence.

"You know I'm going to have to make it up to you for taking such good care of me."

" That won't be necessary I'm just doing my job." She turns me down

" Please let me just take you out to dinner? I won't take no for an answer, I can be very persuasive and persistent."

She stares at me for a few minutes before finally saying she'll think about it.

20 minutes later she comes back with my medications and instructions to avoid anything going wrong at home.

"So can I have my answer now?"

She stares at me as she puts her hand on her chin to think of an answer

" Fine but just one dinner only because I know you won't stop bugging me!" She scowls

" You know just how to kick a man when he's down"

She giggles and says her goodbye for the night. I need to plan out this dinner perfectly I need to wow her before I start asking her questions about herself. I still don't trust this girl and I need more information before I let her go. I never lose focus on my objectives and she has no clue I just want information.

For her own good she better not be working for any of the assholes against me because she'll be dead in less than 5 minutes.

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