Chapter 43

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"Why should I believe anything you say? You've been lying to me my whole life! Is there anyone who has been honest with me?" I can't help but be angry and hurt most of all that I really don't know anyone. My whole life is one dumb lie.

"Cole is no financial advisor Cassie he is the leader of the most powerful mafia family. Your precious boyfriend is a ruthless killer and the biggest drug dealer, definitely not someone to be messed with. We've witnessed him kill countless of people for sport. Listen, sweetheart I'm sorry you are finding out this way that the man you thought was Prince Charming is the complete opposite but, we need you to help us out. No one has been able to get in with the family but by some miracle my daughter has and that is huge for us! We need you to tell us what they are planning so we can stop them, they have been in charge for too long. We want to bring peace amongst the old families like there once was." My father says getting close to me and trying but failing to reach for my hand.

"Ok, so let me get this straight, you want me to be a spy for you and put my life in danger? You want to put YOUR only daughters life at risk for some stupid need for vengeance you have which doesn't even involve me? After all these years all you care about is revenge not the fact that your daughter is all grown up and successful no thanks to you I might add! Am I hearing all that correctly I want to make sure I am not mistaken?" I let out a cry of anger

"I'm sorry for how things turned out but I did it for you to keep you safe please believe me. I promised your mother that I would always keep you safe and that's what I'm going to do." My father speaks without convincing me


Suddenly we hear noises coming from a distance followed by a security team bursting through the room.

"Fuck he found us! I thought we were going to have more time, we need to get out of here now or we won't live to fight another day!" Valentin yells at my father

"Sweetheart please think about what I said, we're letting you go back to him because I know you will do the right thing. I love you sweetie take this phone, whenever you have information just dial the number that's been pre-programmed. I love you." He kisses me and runs out the door after Valentin.

Leaving me alone for the second time in my life without knowing if I will ever see him again. I'm left with more questions than answers and worse than anything leaving me with uncertainty of what is to come. I can't help but lay back on the bed and close my eyes hoping that once I open them this will all have been a nightmare a very very bad one.

Unfortunately for me when the doors to my room bust open once more it's not a nightmare but an even worse reality that I am forced to confront. In the middle of every difficult situation there also lies opportunity and this was my chance to overcome the things that had happened to me. No more naive Cassie it was my turn to take my life into my own hands.

Although I wasn't sure what I was going to do the reality was that Cole had come to save me. I was happy to be getting out of here but I wasn't thrilled with who was coming to my rescue. I had more questions than answers and to top it off I had work to deal with! Why can't my life just go back to how it was before I met this man?

"Sir we found her she's attached to machines we're going to need the doctor in here right away." Ron speaks into his earpiece

" Cassie are you okay? What did they do to you?" He turns his attention to me

"I'm fine just get me out of here. I want to go home. NOW!" I snap at him

" We're waiting for confirmation from Mr.Davis that the coast is clear once we get it we can get you out of here." Ron speaks to me

"I said I'm fine. I am getting out of here with or without you!" I snap again starting to get up

I make sure to roll the IV stand with me as I get off the bed and out the room. Ron, who is unable to stop me just follows instead. We pass through many walkways that start to look the same, still a little dizzy I finally just take a seat on the floor to catch my breathe.

"I know you can get me out of here Ron dont make me angrier than I already am" I scowl at him

It seems to work because he helps me up after I compose myself and leads me through some more rooms. After 3 minutes I can see the sunlight so I try running out but it just ends up being me speed walking. Once outside everything finally hits me from the last couple days and the tears just start trickling down. I try and try but I cant stop crying, I don't know if its from the anger I am feeling on the inside or the hurt. All my feelings are just mashed into one leaving my body unable to comprehend what to do.

"Cassie,Shh, Hey baby its ok I'm here, you're safe. Stop crying let me take you home, I promise I'm going to take care of you. Nothing is going to happen to you ever again." Cole hugs me on the floor.

I hadn't realized I was on the floor I was to busy having a panic attack. Things like this don't happen to people like me , they aren't supposed to. Life isn't supposed to be like this they tell you that if you go to college and get a degree you can have a good job and never have to struggle. What they don't teach you is how to deal with getting kidnapped and almost killed, they need an intro to mafia 101 class.

"Get off me Cole I need to go home now! I never want to see or speak to you again you hear me! Leave me the Fuck alone for good this time, I know who you are, everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie and I'm sick of going in circles! You will never be honest with me and I cant be with someone like you. It's over between us anything we ever had is done you hear me! Forget I exist, forget where I live, forget where I work, and especially forget who Lily is! " I push him off me as hard as I can and walk away before feeling lightheaded once more and the darkness taking over me.

*** Hey guys I am sorry for taking this long for a new chapter but we had an unexpected death due to COVID so I needed to be with my family during this time. Thank you for understanding and for all the continued support you guys are the best.

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