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I step into the darkness

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I step into the darkness. Turning around as I watch the bright light slowly disappear before I hear something click in place

"Tobias?" I ask out as I flail my arms around trying to feel something to grab onto. "Hold on" I hear the familiar voice say back in the darkness.

I feel something hard under my hand. I run my hands—around the hard wall I suppose— I feel a circle shaped button protruding off the wall

"Alia did you find it yet?" I hear Tobias ask again. Are they looking for this button?

I rest my hand on the button again holding it in place but not pressing it in "What are you looking for?" I ask a few seconds go by with no response to what I was looking for.

Should I press the button? Or should I not? I ask myself not really sure if by pressing this button I can cause something bad to happen

"Run your hands over the wall, There should be a button" I hear Alia say out loud

I press the button As I quickly close my eyes. I hear a long roar run through my ears.

Slowly the sound becomes silent "A warning would have been nice" I hear Alia say.

I slowly open my eyes trying to get used to the light that filled the room once filled with darkness. My eyes move around quickly to see a single door line the dark textured wall.

"Come on" I hear Tobias way as he feels on the wall—Searching for something— I see him rest his hand on a small part of the wall.

Alia grabs onto the door handle and I hear Tobias start to count down "3...2...1"  I see Alia turn the door nob as Tobias pushes the tile down.

A Loud Alarm fills every crevice of this enclosed room.

I hear a voice yell "Come on Emera!" I bring my hands up to my ears. Trying to make the loud noise stop.

"Its okay baby" My mommy tells me "Just listen to the big man yell for a little longer. Don't set the room aflame--You don't want mommy to get hurt again right?" I shake my young head "When he's done you will come back to me and we can cuddle till the sun falls and the moon rises"

The sound makes my ear pound--Like a very Ignorant Migraine-- My hands shake intensely as I grab at my ears. My heart beat speeding up.

Don't start a fire. You don't want
Anyone to get hurt.

I breath in and out slowly calming myself down. I open my eyes to see Tobias standing near an open door watching me with his beautifully decorated eyes.

I gulp as I stare back at him. I watch as his eyes move down to look at my lips. Fire slowly ignites and makes my skin tingle. "Come on" I hear Tobias say breaking the Invisible line of tension.

I blink my eyes a little bit before I finally get back to my senses "Oh right, Sorry"

I walk though the little door and I see some chairs lining the walls. Along with a fridge, a cupboard, a small table and a couple other things.

"Welcome home Emera!" I hear Alia shout out as I see her exit one of the rooms.

"This is the Institute?" I ask as I look around the small space. I thought they said there were others? Is this a trap?. I jump out of my suspecting thoughts when I hear a door shut behind me.

"No its not, This is just a safe house. The Institute is much farther away from here" Tobias says as he tosses a bag off his shoulder

"It's in the Unclaimed Territories." Alia says as she walks ever to the small kitchen area and opens a cabinet "They seriously still didn't restock on food?" Alia says as she lets out an Agitated grunt.

"The next time we come here bring food then" Tobias replies to her.

"I thought W3-B Claimed all the land in this area?" I ask as I walk towards Alia and I sit down on a plastic chair.

"Some of the land has still radioactive substances around that makes it hard for people to live out there." Alia says as she pulls a small box out of the cupboard. Taking out a packet of food that looks like foil is wrapped around it "Want one?" She asks me as she hands one towards me.

I slowly take it out of her hand thanking her before I open it. Small crumbs Falling on the table and on my lap "What is this?" I ask her as she pulls one out for herself.

"A poptart" She tells me as she opens the one in her hand and pulls one out herself before biting into it. I pull one out and I look at the squared piece of food before biting into it. My eyes open as the flavor hits my tastebuds

"This is amazing!" I tell her as I take another bite

"You should try it when it's toasted!" Alia replies as she pulls out her other one.

I turn my focus to Tobias. Noticing that he is still moving around without rest "Tobias?" I ask trying to get his attention as I pick up the foil that holds my other poptart

He stops and turns to look at me with his mixed eyes "Want my other poptart?" I ask him.

My arm starts to ache as I hold my arm up waiting for Tobias's answer

"Sure" Tobias finally replies before walking over to grab the poptart out of my hand.Telling me a quick "Thank you" before going back to going what ever he was doing before.

"So if the Institute is in an unclaimed radioactive area why are we going there?" I ask as I dust my hands off.

"It's the best place for the institute to be. No one but the gifted can go in the unclaimed without being serious injured" Alia tells me "And the best time to travel around here—Especially since the soldier are looking for us— Is at night."

"They wouldn't be expecting us to travel at night since it's pitch black outside except for the light in the distance coming from the place they had you in" Tobias says as he walks towards the table me and Alia are sitting at

"So I recommend getting some sleep before we have to go."

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