TWENTY [Unedited]

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A shell shattering scream of Lightning hits the floor in the forest. Me and Alia exchange looks as we watch the cast out of Alecs gift.

"Is everything alright in there?" Alia whispers into the comm. Everything is silent for a pregnant moment before we hear a voice break through the small device.

"We got 3 down!" A voice shouts through. "We're coming back now, I think she might be dead!"

The sounds of whispered chatter falls away my ears as everything shuts down in me. Please don't be who I think it is. Cus if it is not even the gods will save them. I've been avoiding her for weeks. I haven't been spending time by her side because I'm jealous and I couldn't handle the fact that Alec has been on her mind.

I press the button of my own comm "Who might be dead?!" I practically shout. I only hear static come though but no reply. "Alia TP in there. Find out what's going on" I practically order her.

"Be back soon" She says before disappearing. Turning around I sought out Rick who is a healer.

"We will need you so be ready!" He nods as he pulls off the gloves he is wearing. He wears them for the same reason as Emera. Just as he can heal people. He can also kill.

"Tobias!! It's Emera!" Alia shouts in the comm. A person gasps behind he as we listen to what Alia is saying. "S-Shes not breathing, I don't feel a pulse". I set my hands in fists, using little bit nails on my fingers to help keep me and my gift calm. Because right now I'm going insane.

"Does Alec's group have a way out?" Breathe in and out. In and out. There was so much static we could barely hear a voice coming through from the other side.

"Alia teleporting there with Emera. We will find a way out you just worry about helping Emera" Alec says with a dark edge to his voice. The devil on my shoulder says I should hate the fact that I hear the care for Emera in his voice but I can't find it in me to. He was there for Emera when I wasn't.

I can feel my sanity break as I look at Emera. Her warm skin now blue, stained with red. As I touch her face the warmth that used to flow into me when I would touch her soft skin non existent. The fire reigning inside her gone as shes wrapped in a soaking blanket

"Tobias! Snap the fuck out of it and do something!" I turn my head to see Alec staring at me. His face, full of anger. "She's not gonna get any better with you just fucking staring at her!"

I look at Rick and he nods, stepping closer to Emera.

"How about you mind your fucking business and help out with the others injured In your group. Captain." The anger coming back just looking at him. "She wouldn't have gotten hurt if you just kept your fucking eyes on her!"

"Nobody told your ass to leave her with me! You know how I feel about her! I don't give a fuck what happends between you and her as long as it doesn't involve me. If there's someone you need to blame it's gonna be your fucking self it's always you" Rain starts attacking us from the sky. Like fists pounding against skin.

The air is growing colder as pulses of my power exits my body.

"She's not dead because of me" I step closer to Alec. White flashes in his eyes as he stares at me. He fixes up his face as he stares at me. Fury fixes his feature.

"Then who's fault is it because last time I checked Anna didn't die because of me as well. I know love isn't for us so why do you even bother?"

My fist connects to his face in a second as the last of the lock on my restraint breaks. The punch doesn't even phase him as he quickly rebuttals with an attack of his own. Pain fills my body as he picks me up from the grown and shoves me into the wet earth.

The familiar pain of lightning burns me from the inside as I shove the burn of frost into his system. Both used to the pain we don't stop with the clashing of punches attacking our bodies.

I feel multiple eyes watching our anger and pain filled battle. We could fighting for hours. Years and never get tired. Nobody tries to break us up. They don't try because they know they won't be able to. Not when our power is flowing around us no angrily.

"She's-" Alia starts off but her voice breaks. "She's not coming back" I shove Alec away from me. Both of us panting. I don't spend a lot of time looking at the man I used to love. Love that reigned strongly until a few centuries ago. Love that used to keep us all together. Broken Love.

I walk over to where a group of people are huddled together. Encircling Emera. The familiar pain of loss coming back in full force. The beautiful life inside her gone.

"Take her back to the Institute" I say looking at Michael. The man with the strength of a gargoyle. He walks over to Emera. Grabbing onto the wet blanket wrapped around her cold body he lifts her up and cradles her body.

"Let's go back" I call out as I drag my feet into the forest. Walking farther and farther away from another mistake I caused. I shut down my heart and emotions. I won't make another mistake.

Sigh. The conclusion of Serotonin is here.😭 I hope you enjoyed the story!

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