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"What the fuck is she in??"  I hear Alec whisper yell when I enter the room, Anthony following behind me.

I stop walking when I stand right beside Alec. I slowly bring my eyes up. My heart pounding on my chest as I look up to the spot Alec is looking at.

A small naked woman is floating in the air bunched up in a fetus position. Long red hair covers her face. "She's in a tank full of some type of Fluid but it's not water, seems kind of thick like it has some type of added substance in it"

I tap on the glass separating us for her. She stirs but she doesn't wake up. Maybe this girl has some water ability, I don't think Alia or Tobias ever talked about there being one but then again I never asked if someone had the ability.

An alarm breaks my line of thoughts. I turn around too look at the others and see that they also have the same look I have on my face.

"Someone try and break this glass!!" Alec rushes out as I imagine the hallways filled with the loud stomps of boots heading towards us. I gather up my heat and I direct it onto the glass trying to see if I can make it melt.

Beside me I see Alec banging on the glass with the butt of his gun. I see the girl stir some more before I see her look up at me. Surprise makes its way onto her face as she sees me and the others before it turns into one of urgency. She quickly swims through the water, she points to something through the wall.

"Someone go towards that corner!" I yell out to no one in particular, some time passes by and I swear the sounds I was imagining of boots hitting the floor soon becomes reality. A giant crack shows up on the glass. I see the woman laying in the water with her hands up. Her eyes clouded over in white.

I quickly back up from the glass as another out crack enters the room. I turn to see one of the females I never cared to ask her name has her hand out. I think she is helping us break the glass. 

"Brace!" Alec yells as the glass wall shatters just as I start to see guards coming towards us. I call on my fire and I use it to make the heading towards me evaporate. I look around seeing others floating in the water, I spot Alec being one of them and I take a deep breath before I let my heat come back into me and I let the water surround me. I float through the water.

Sounds of shouts enter my ear but I don't play attention since they don't seem like the cries of my group members.

"Emera!" I turn around quickly and I spot Alec carrying the red headed woman. I quickly try and swim over toward them when I feel something grab onto my feet. I yell out before my head goes under the water.

I kick my legs out trying to get the grip off my ankle. I open my eyes to see a shirtless man holding me under. He's trying to kill me. I call upon my fire and I heat my body up. The man opens his mouth in a silent scream as he feels the burn. His grip loses but he doesn't let go. I bring up my other foot and I smash it as fast as I can on top of his face. My oxygen slowly leaves my mouth, I need to get up. The man let's go of my leg and I quickly swim away, not knowing if I'm getting closer to other men like him or towards Alec.

My movement stops as something Hard hits me from behind.  My eyes close as it hits my body, when I open my eyes all I see is red. blood, My blood. I cry out as someone's hard boot kicks me. Water enters my lungs and I struggle to breathe.

Time slows, and all the movement around me slows down to a stop and the only thing there in the water is my body. My Lifeless one. Eyes stuck open staring at the other lifeless bodies.

A burning sensation enters my body. I was born with an Ability to handle heat and fire but this sensation right here is nothing I've ever felt before. Doesn't feel like Tobias's Icy passion, or my burning anger.

I can't do anything to stop this pain. God please make it stop. I never knew that this is what it feels like being dead. I thought being dead would save you from all the suffering and pain you felt being alive. I never had anyone to love me, anyone to love. No one cared for me until I met Tobias and Alia.

I wish I could just start my life over and make sure what happened in my life doesn't happen to anymore children. Our life was only beginning, yet has been cut short.

I hope they would miss me~

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