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Everyone but a few leaves

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Everyone but a few leaves. I slowly calm down as many eyes disappear. I watch as the flames vanish from my fingers.

I look around and I open see about four people standing near me. Alia, Tobias, Angel, and the Blond.

"Your element is fire I sense" Angel says as she walks over with a smile on her face. I rub my hands over my arms trying to not set anything on fire.

"Yes Angel, her element is fire" The blond haired man says as he walks closer. I know I shouldn't but I can't help but stare at him. His eyes finds mines and he looks me up and down. His face clear of any emotion.

"Who are you?" I ask as I look him up and down. I don't know this man, I don't know his intentions. His pupil sparks up with a dark blue. Clouding his once brown eyes.

"My name is Alec" The blond haired man tells me his name. I stare at him for a minute before I nod my head. The name Alec suits him as I stare at him some more.

"Are you okay?" Tobias asks me as he removes his hand from my back. I let my anxiety calm down after I had so many eyes on me. I put a small smile on my face and I look at everyone. Look at their face but not their eyes.

"Are you good dear?" Angel asks me as she walks closer to me. I nod my head and I look into her eyes. Glad that I can't hear her thoughts

"Yes, yes I'm fine" I say with a soft voice. I rub my arm up and down as no one speaks. After a pregnant moment Angel walks closer to me and I tense up as she places her hand on my covered Arm. I look up at her and I watch as the smile that was once on her face start to fade away.

I stand there watching as Angel starts to exhale her breath. That isn't interesting but the interesting part is how the air she exhaled is a dark purple with streaks of red blending in.

"Walk with me Miss.Emera" Angel says as she gets out of her episode and she starts to pull me into the forest. I walk with her, but I turn around to look at Tobias, Alia, and Alec. They nod their head, while Alec just stares at me with a straight face.

I walk with Angel side by side in silence. I stare at the colorful flowers that are coming out of the ground. "Where are we?" I ask Angel. I thought places like this don't exist anymore.

"We are in Opio" Angel tells me as she tightens her grip on my arm. Opio is a state in Renpia, A state far away from where the Institute should be.

"This is how the world used to be before the battle" Angel says letting go of my arm. She sniffs the air deeply and she drags her arm against a tree.

"How are we here? I thought we were in Meka?" I ask. Softly putting my hand on the tree as well.

"I can Alter Reality" Angel says turning to look at me.

"This is not real?" I ask her as I play with the dirt
and rocks under my foot. She shakes her head as a response to my question.

"No it's just a illusion" She tells me "I wish the world was like this. But it may never go back to the way it was before" She tells me with a frown.

"Back in the gym" I start of getting her attention she turns towards me. "You referred to everyone as Four and Five's. What do you mean by Four and Five?"

"It's numbers that refers to how strong or deadly your gift is." She tells me as she walks over to me and grabs on to my arm before pulling me away to walk to another place.

"You my child, You are a 5" She tells me. I know I shouldn't be shocked but I am. I know I can kill by Touch but I thought there would have been come one who can kill someone with just a thought or a look. "Anyone who can freeze things, Control living creatures, Set things on fire,Make things disappear with a thought, or anyone who can kill without touching anyone is considered a five" She easily tells me.

"Can you do anything else other then changing reality?" I ask her. I know that she can change reality but I wonder what else she can do. I can control fire and read thoughts so maybe she has two gifts as well.

"I can read emotions" She tells me as she rubs her hand up anhd down my arm in a soothing way "I may be blind but I have a secret way to read emotions" She says with a little laugh

"How can you read them?"

"If I tell you would it still be a secret?"


"Anyways, do you have another gift?" Angel asks me. "There are people that can give memories, create portals, take pain away, etc."

Angel grabs hold of my wrists and stands infront of me. "Please tell me, I'll love to know"

"I can things" I say biting my lip softly. I see Angels grey eyes light up.


"Like minds?" I tell her as I watch her expression change.

"You can like tell the future? Can you have visions?" She blurts out excitedly. I can imagine her jumping out of her boots if she was wearing any.

"I can read thoughts, I can listen to their thoughts"

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