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''So what did y'all talk about during the meeting?'' I ask as I take the towel off my head.

As a response Alia Sighs heavily. "We need to go on another trip to get food, and to save a child" Alia tells me as she rubs her face. I hop on the bed and I lay down beside her but far enough so we arent touching.

''When are you guys going?'' I ask as I bring my hands up above my face to look at my nails.

''We are going to leave Tuesday after midnight, Thats when most of the guards stops checking the shipping containers, then we will have to sneak into a hospital'' She finishes and I look at her when I hear her say we.

''We? Im coming?'' I question. She turns her head and looks at me

'Did she think were gonna leave her here when most of the adult's here are scared of her?''

''Yes you're coming, You can help distract the guards" Alia tells me, I make a noise letting her know I understand

''All I can do is start fires'' I say but Alia rolls her eyes at me

''You can start fires that will cause the guards to go over to see where all the smoke is coming from, which will cause a distraction'' She informs me. Shes right but sometimes when I try to project my fire onto an item it doesnt usually work and it decides to set something else ablaze.

Like Alia can read my mind she says what Im thinking ''We have enough time to try and help you learn how to control and project your power onto items, and we have Tobias who will put out the fire once we have what we need" Hearing tobias's name makes me happy, We dont see each other often because he has things to do since he is one of the head chancellor's of this establishment we are in.

''How old is the child?''

''13,Female'' Alia says as she gets up and sits down on the chair set in the corner of the room.

''Whats their ability?'' I ask as I wonder what kind of ability this child will have.

''I have no idea but the mole that we have working in the hospital told us that we will have to see it in person, They couldn't even describe it" Alia informs me, ''We have to bring extra people just incase'' Alia tells me. I lean up and Nod my head as a response.

"It's getting late, I'll see you tomorrow E," Alia says as she gets up from the chair and stretches. I get up from the bed and walk towards the door, opening it for her.

''Goodnight Alia''


I stand to the side as I watch Alec direct a lightning bult into a tree causing the tree to burn into small dark pieces of ash. Tobias calls me over, reluctantly I walk over.

''Can you set this tree on fire?'' Tobias asks me a question we already know the answer too. I look at the men infront of me before walking between then. I walk towards the nearest tree and I place my hand on it. I project the fire flowing through my veins onto the tree, I see the spot my hand is touching turn red before the whole tree burn under my touch. If I wanted to, I could burn this whole tree down with just a thought. I close my eyes and I feel the heat the fire brings enter my body.

When I reopen them the fire has gone out, but the fire still has done its damage to the tree. ''I set it on fire, anything else?'' I ask him as I take a few steps away from the tree. Tobias nods his head at me. I sigh as I stop walking waiting for Tobias to tell me what else I gotta do or practice with.

''Do you know how to project your fire onto an Object with put touching it'' I shake my head, Tobias sighs at me before he looks down and back at a tree.

"The last time I tried was yesterday remember? When you, me and Alec was in this exact spot?" I sayc answering the question he was gonna ask before he asks. Lately Tobias really wants me to learn how to control and access the thing I hate most.

"Oh, well try again.The more we practice the better you can control" He tells me before he grabs by the arm and makes me stand in front of him and face the wall.

"Imagine anything, anything at all" He says soft lay and I close my eyes.

I listen to the silence that surrounds me.

''Emera?'' I hear Tobias's say as I feel something 'cold' touch my arm. I instantly bring my head up and I see Tobias sitting on the floor next to me watching me with his green eyes--

''Are you okay?" He asks me as I scooch over to put some space between us but he justs moves closer to me.

''Are you trying to die?!'' I snap turning to look at him ''You keep touching me! You Aren't Supposed to! I could kill you!''

"But you can't'' Tobias whispers out staring me right in my eye

'You can't hurt me just like I cant hurt you '

''What do you mean?'' I ask as I wipe the water that gathered at my eyes away. I can't hurt him? That's not possible--They said it wasn't possible. The fire and heat I have flowing through me is dangerous. When I was younger people thought I was just lying about my disease...until they touched me. I'm Silently Burning the fire most people can't see until they touch me.

''You don't hurt me Emera'' Tobias speaks as he stares back at me.

''But I hurt everyone''

''Not me...its like im immune to it?''Tobias tells me but it sounds like he's confused about it too.

''Maybe it's taking its time to kill you'' I say as a possibility

''So maybe my gift is taking its time to freeze you to death?'' He asks me with a straight face ''It's never done that before'' He tells me

I open my eyes and stare at the tree. I move my arms to get Tobias's off of mines. I look at the tree and go through the rest of my memories- The good ones at least.

I gasp as I see the tree burst in flames. I almost jump up and down as I watch the tree burn. "I did it! Can you believe this?" I ask with a huge smile turning around and looking at Tobias, he smiles at me as he claps his hands. I look towards Alec to see him looking at me with a faint smile painted on his face.

My eyes looks down towards his pink lips. I bring my view to the ground and I clear my throat running my hand through my hair.

"If you can continue doing what ever you did, you'll be ready to leave with us" Tobias tells me.

I look behind me to see the tree turned blue with frost.

I walk towards the path we came from, I turn around to see them both following me back towards the rest of the group.

I can't wait to tell Angel

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