NINE [Unedited]

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''Do you also get that weird feeling ?'' I ask as I continue to feel the refreshing feeling spread throughout my body every time I touch Tobias

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''Do you also get that weird feeling ?'' I ask as I continue to feel the refreshing feeling spread throughout my body every time I touch Tobias

"What do you mean?" He asks me as I feel him trail his fingers over my hands that are still resting on his face. Savoring the moment before Alia comes out of the bathroom.

"I get this rush when you touch me. I've only been able to feel hot temperatures but everytime I touch you. I feel this different temperature i've never felt before on my skin," I tell him looking him in the eyes before I slowly pull my hands away from his face resting them on my lap.

"Then I suppose I get that same Rush. Just with a warm feeling" Tobias says smiling at me and I smiled back at him.

"So when do we leave?" I ask breaking the silence that followed.

"We have about 4ish hours" Tobias says as he raises his arms above his head and stretches his muscles.

"So where are we gonna sleep?" I hear Alia Ask as she walks out of the bathroom. I notice her eyes exchanges looks between me and Tobias.

"I have padding on the floor so we are gonna sleep out in the living room until morning'' Tobias tells us as he gets up off the floor and walks towards the small living area.

''Where will I lay?'' I ask Tobias as he turns to look at me and I can see his eye dilate before he looks away. " You will sleep closer to the wall"  Tobias tells me as he walks closer to the wall on the opposite side of the door.

''Alright.'' I say as I walk towards the cloths spread out on the ground. I wait for tobias to move out the way before I get under the blanket.

After everyone is settled I turn around and stare at the wall. Watching the room go from Light to dark.

I could get touched again. The only person who was able to touch me was my Mother before she died. Tobias just waltzed up in here and he's able to touch me? And I can't believe he can touch me.

Even the man who I had lived with couldn't touch me. He tormented and Abused me with words and Objects but never with his hands. I am the way I am because of him. I could have ended his life with one touch but I couldn't. Because I didn't want to believe how lethal I could be. How lethal I am.

I wake up to arms shaking me awake. My heart beat speeds up. Almost I immediately sit up and open my eyes to see Alia dressed up in all black. Cloth covering almost every inch of her body.

"Get up and get dress we need to go." Alia tells me as she gets up from beside me and goes to do something else.

I get up and I rush to put on a pair of black tights and a t-shirt. By the time I leave the bathroom there's no trace of anyone ever being in this room. The sleeping bags are gone, The boxes of snacks discarded.

I walk over to my bag that Tobias got for me from the Establishment. I look up and I watch Tobias and Alia walk past me. Tobias turns and looks at me. He gives a quick small smile before continuing to move around the room.

"Don't make a noise when we leave this room. The slightest noise can make them come running this way." Tobias tells me as we make it to the last door.

I nod my head and I watch Tobias nod to Alia behind me before he opens the heavy door.

When I set out of the room Fog slowly starts to cloud my vision. I can see the Silhouette of the rotting trees and the Body of Tobias.

I tightly hold onto the strap that attached to Tobias's bookbag. Slowly but silenty we move through the darkness. The low crunch of the dead leaves crushing under our feet filling in the deadly silence.

After a while I feel lighter--Like something is not holding me back anymore. I reach behind my back with my free gloved hand. My eyes widening when I don't feel Alias hand gripping onto my bag.

I pause in my tracks and I tap on Tobias's arm quickly.

Alia let go of my bag. I speak to him non verbally by pointing behind me.

I watch as his eyes trail behind me before looking back at me.

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