Damn Strawberry

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Saiki's perspective
She's smarter than she looks.

Normally people would have ignored that I don't talk with my real voice but she noticed. I really hope she doesn't mean her threat. I'll have to keep a close eye on her for now.
"So are we going to go to class or just stand outside of it?"
Shit I forgot  I haven't moved.
"Sorry let's go inside."
I move to sit down in my seat and I feel a tug on my jacket.
"I don't want be alone. Oh god why did I grab his jacket. He'll probably think I'm some clingy bitch now."
"Don't worry the teacher is nice. Don't be scared."

Y/n's perspective
"Thanks Saiki."
As those words slipp out of my mouth the teacher walks in and looks towards me then down to the paper in his hand.
"Are you Y/n?"
"Ok then. Just say your name and you can sit down next to the boy with pink hair."
"Got it."
Well let's hope I don't fuck this intro up. I look around the class and the all the guys stare right back. I think some of them are even drooling. Ew. Alright buckle up fuckers here I come. "Ummm... my name is Y/n l/n and I hope I can learn a lot from you guys." Ok not bad but it could have been better.
"Now let's get started with the lecture of the day....."
I can barely understand anything he's saying. I should've just stayed in my home town. If I did then when I'd get expelled I'd have a home to go to. I should stop thinking about this. I don't want to have a mental break down in the middle of class. I'll just put some music on. That should calm my nerves down a little. I try not hum to loudly but Saiki somehow seems to notice. I start to panic but thankfully I'm saved by the bell.
"So where to now Strawberry?"
"Is it a fun type of PE or is it I want to kill myself type of PE?"
"A bit of both."
"Awesooomeee..... hey Saiki is it just me or are people staring at me?"
Saiki clinches his fist at my words but his face doesn't change. What is going on in your head Saiki?
"You'll find out soon enough." "What do you mean by that?"
"Forget about it. Let's just get to class."
"Whatever you say Strawberry."
We start to walk down stairs and through the doors till we're outside. "Go ahead and change I'll wait out here for you."
"Got it."
After I changed I walk out the dressing rooms and this girl with blue hair comes up to me.
"Wow you look soooo pretty! What's your name?"
Is it just me or did I hear some sass your tone.
"My name y/n nice to meet you." "Well nice to meet you too. My name is Teruhashi."
She seems a little fishy but I'll let it slide for now. I need to get back to Saiki.
"GO SAIKI! YOU CAN DO IT!" Speak of the devil.
"Damn Strawberry who knew you had an that great of an ass."
"What the hell?"
Heheheh he's blushing ('ω`*) so cute.
"Ok class go ahead change out!"
Fuck that coach is loud as SHIT!
"So Saiki that was a pretty good show you put on."
"Shut up. You distracted me from playing."
"Awww your telling me that my beauty was so distracting that you couldn't think straight. You're to nice!" "What I'm saying is that your insane. You should watch what you say about other people."
"Oh my god Strawberry! Sorry for speaking the truth about your under appreciated butt!"
"Stop saying that!"
"I'm sorry I just can't help it. You're just too cute!"
"Let's go to lunch ok."
"Yes PLEASE I'm practically STARVING OVER HERE!"

Saiki's perspective
Y/n and I walk down to the cafeteria where all of my 'friends' are. I have a feeling they are gonna get along real well when they start to annoy me. What have I gotten myself into?
"Hey buddy! How are yah!"
Here comes the first nimrod.
"Saiki I was looking all over for you! We need to make sure that darkness doesn't take over the school!"
There's the second one.
"Saiki! Saiki!" And here's the whole group.
"I didn't know you had these many friends Strawberry. It's pretty impressive."
"Don't call me Strawberry in front of them. I don't want them to get anymore ideas."
"So buddy who is this new chick?" "Wow now I'm a chick. Does this count as moving up in the world?"
Y/n you have a lot to learn. If you want to save yourself you should leave.
"I'm y/n nice to meet all of you!"
"Y/n! It seems like we've bumped paths again. I'm Teruhashi if you don't remember me."
"Oh no I remember you."
"Aw thank you! Anyways since you and Saiki seem to be awfully close why don't you come with us on a school field trip!"
"But I don't even know all of your names."
"Well let's introduce ourselves to y/n!" I thought y/n would have been smart enough to walk out with me but she didn't. Seems like she'll have to deal with this people as well.
"Well that's everyone!"
"Thank you so mush Teruhashi! I'll definitely be going on that trip with you!"
"How dumb is she? Does she really think I'd be friends with a girl like her? A perfect girl like me can't be seen with someone who doesn't even wear her uniform the first day of class! Just remember this is to keep an eye on her and Saiki. She can't have him. Only me Teruhashi will have Saiki k. Only me." Here we go again. Y/n for your sake I hope you realize what you've done to your self.

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