Teruhashi, Jealous? Never

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Saiki's perspective
The airplane got ready and we all boarded. I sat in the middle seat, Kaido was in the isle seat, and y/n was in the window seat.
"Saiki if you're still tired you can use my shoulder to nap on...I hope saiki is ok, even thought I'm a little tired my self, he should rest instead of me. He looks like shit."
Do I really look that bad?
"We're going to have to land early because of the storm. I'm sorry for the delay everyone."
Just when I thought I fixed this problem. Ugh-here we go again.
"Y/n sleep. You look like shit."
"Fuck you too Saiki."

♡time skip♡

I need SLEEP. I feel so drained right now I can barely even walk. I stumble toward my seat when Takahashi starts having some stomach problems. Let me just fix that..
"Wow I feel so much better!" Yeah,yeah now let me sleep on peace. "That bitch y/n trying to steal my dear Saiki away from me. I'll show you..When we get to the beach I'll show Saiki just how beautiful I am, and how gross she is. I'll make him say 'wow' when he sees me."
I'm sorry y/n for bringing you into this mess. I'll need to make sure to keep an eye on you from now on. Huh...she looks really cute asleep. "Saiki ,y/n wanted me to give you this."
Its her pillow.
"She said you needed it more than her. Y/n is really nice isn't she..I wonder if she likes me! She's even more beautiful than Teruhashi!"
Is that all guys think of? How nice girls look? Besides that y/n doesn't look that comfy. I'll let her rest on me. "So soft."
Y/n turnd her body towards me and nuzzles into the crook of my neck and hugging my arm close to her chest. I'm sure if she knew what she was doing than she would scream bloody murder, but for now she'll stay like this. It feels nice. I think I'll take a nap, after all I deserve it.

Teruhashi's perspective
How dare she! How could she touch MY Saiki! And he's letting her! Whenever I try to hug him he moves away from me. Maybe its because he doesn't want the attention. That's why he's letting her touch him. Dont worry Saiki, y/n won't be harassing you any longer! I'll make sure of that. Even if I have to get my hands dirty.

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