Ocean Man

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Y/n's perspective
I woke up to the sun's rays licking my face and to the sweet enticing smell of breakfast. I could feel how puffy my eyes were from last night. I guess that wasn't a dream. I really did run from Saiki and I really did cry in front of Teruhashi. What will she think of me now? Never the less, I should dressed. "Y/n how are you feeling?"
Yumehara saw me too?
"A little groggy but better than yesterday."
"That's good. When you're done come join us downstairs for breakfast, ok." "Got it."
"Oh and I almost forgot to tell you, we're going to the beach today so make sure to get your swimsuit!" "Yumehara I don't think that's a good idea..."
"Of course it is silly! You need to spend time with your home girls!" Yumehara always manages to look on the brightside of things, just what I need right now.

♤time skip♤

So here we are, in the changing rooms on the beach. Yumehara and Teruhashi have already gone out, and now Mera and me are the only ones left in here. The girls have been super nice to me. They've made sure to not leave my side this whole time and Saiki hasn't been able to talk to me because of it. I will admit it feels a little weird not having Saiki glued to my hip. What does he think about this mess? I wouldn't be surprised if we stopped being friends. In the end I'll only end up hurting people.
"Y/n! Come on out, I wanna see your outfit!"
Shit I forgot!
"Coming Yumehara!"
Let's put this show on road.

Saiki's perspective
"Oh wow."
That's all I could think when I say Y/n come out of the dressing rooms. She looks perfect. She smiles and looks like she's having fun, but her eyes tell a different story. They frantically look around till they land on me. That's when her mask breaks a little, and her lips turn down. Yumehara quickly spins her around before she would do something she would regret.

"Hi Saiki, do you like my outfit?"
I don't even look at Teruhashi.
"Saiki stop worrying about Y/n and start worrying about me."
Still I ignored her crys for attention. "Saiki...fine if you want to look at Y/n then do it, but you'll have to look at her dead body."
What do you mean 'dead body'? Teruhashi doesn't have the guts to kill anyone.

Teruhashi's perspective
Why does Saiki always walk away from me? Can't you see I'm trying to save you from Y/n's overdramatic behavior! I'll just have to make sure that Y/n won't be around Saiki anymore.
"Boys could you help me with something?"
"What do you need my angel?"
"You see that girl over there, the one who looks sad?"
"Yes of course."
"Take her out for a swim. She likes going underwater, so make sure she stays underwater for a long time."
"Won't she get hurt?"
"Of course not silly! She's been trained to hold her breath for a long time. Oh and she likes to splash around too. She likes to think she's a mermaid."
"Take her out to sea, got it."
The flock of boys leave my side and start running towards Y/n. They pick her up and dump her in the ocean. She looks so clueless, perfect. I can't even see her now. Goodbye Y/n, hope you like your body staying at the bottom of the ocean.

Y/n's perspective
I didn't know where the group of guys came from. I didn't know where they were taking me. I didn't know they'd leave me. My vision is starting to go dark. I can't hear or feel a single thing. I'm sorry Kusuo...I love you.
"Y/n! Come on wake up! Don't die, you can't die now! Y/n!"
I broke our promise. I wasn't able to stay by your side. Bye Strawberry.

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