A Broken Soul

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Teruhashi's perspective
What the hell was that?
"Oh my god what happened y/n, why are you crying?"
This is so unlike y/n. She's never slammed a door or showed that much rage.
"Can I trust you Teruhashi?"
You're a bitch. I hate you.
"Of course you can."
"What's going on?"
"I found y/n crying on the floor."
"Oh my gosh y/n are you okay?!"
"I'm really not Yumehara, but thanks for your concern."
Goddamit Yumehara this was supposed to be my time to fuck with y/n.
"Someone told me that they love me...and I can't..I don't know I just can't handle this."
Could this somebody be MY Saiki? "Why is that?"
"Last time I gave my heart to someone I ended up on my bathroom floor eating a tub of icecream and watching parent trap."
Isn't that a mood. A mood for peasants.
"Y/n seriously."
"Sorry Yumehara. There was this guy who I used to like a lot. Scratch that I loved him.
I'd always listen to him and be there for him.
I loved to see him smile and I loved to hear his laugh fill the room.
But that wouldn't last as long as I'd hope for.
At the end of the year he would leave. I was do scared of the future. The last time I saw him I didn't even hug him goodbye. I didn't want to say goodbye. I couldn't bring myself to believe that he would be gone from my life.
I'm only here in Japan for one year. I can't let that happen to again. I can't put someone a hold dear to my heart in that shit hole."
"So you love this person and you dont want to put them in the same situation you where in, right?"
What a noble cause.
"Y/n you should sleep to get your mind off of this."
"You're right, thank you Teruhashi and thank you Yumehara for listening to me ramble about my fucked up life."
"We'll always be there for you to ramble about your 'fucked up life'." You might but I'll stay far away from her.
"Goodnight guys."

Saiki's perspective
I know I should respect her privacy, but I couldn't help it. They do say curiosity killed the cat for a reason.
Y/n you have to stop being so selfless. I don't care if I get hurt. All I care about is making you smile. I hate seeing you cry because of me. I want to make you smile for me. Your smile is so bright it could replace the sun. Don't hide that beautiful smile under a gloomy frown.
Y/n I truly do love you and that means I'll do anything for you. Even suffer myself.

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