New Place New Rules

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Italics-"Someone's thoughts"
Bold-"Saiki speaking through telepathy"

Y/n's view
I never thought I would be going to study abroad. It's been a dream I've had since I was a little kid, but now that it's happening I can't believe it. I finally was able to convince my parents to let go to PK Academy! Now I'm making my way to my down town walking fast, faces past, and I'm home bound. The school had rented out a apartment for me to stay in while I go to school. It's pretty small but cozy none the less. I set all my stuff down and flop on the couch passing out like a light. Let's hope I don't wake up late tomorrow.

~time skip~

I lazy swing my legs off the couch and pick up my half dead phone.
"FUCK IM LATE BITCH" I hope I didn't wake the neighbors but at this point I don't care anymore. I quickly thrown on my slightly dirty leggings and hoodie (outfit up top) and book it out the front door. I fumble around with my keys but I lock the door somehow.

As I'm running down the loud ass street I try to tame my insane hair before someone sees me. But I don't have to much luck as a boy with strawberry pink hair slams right into my frantic figure. Oh shit he looks pissed. "Oh my god I'm so sorry! Here let me help you up."

Saiki's perspective
This is not a good day. I normally don't go this way to school but I didn't want to deal with Nendo.

So the one time I change my route this girl just had to run into me.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry! Here let me help you up."
I look up to see a h/c girl with big e/c. She looks even more beautiful than Teruhashi. I didn't even think that's possible but there she is holding out her hand for me. I push it away and get up from sitting on the floor. She looks a little sad I didn't accept her gesture but I don't care. I want to go school.
"Hey do you know which path to PK Academy is the fastest? I'm running pretty late and you seem like you know your way around."
What do you mean I look like I know my way around? Was that just something she said to be nice? Who cares I'm just going to leave. She's a pain to deal with.
"Hey asshat! I asked you question!" What the hell does that even mean? "Strawberry wait up! I need help please!"
I start picking up the pace I was walking at. Can't she get a hint? "Where the hell did he go?Strawberry! Strawberry! Ah-ha there you are!"
What the fuck I thought I lost her! How did she find me?
"So where you heading to?"
"Oooo what school?"
" Oh my god dude we could totally walk together! That way I won't get lost."
"Soo what's your name Strawberry?" Do I really have to tell her. I have a feeling that if I do then she'll never stop talking to me. But it would be even worse if my reputation gets points deducted for being mean to the new girl.
"Saiki... that's my name"
" Is that your last name? I don't really know the customs of Japan that much."
So she's a transfer student.
"Yes it's my last name"
"Ok cool! Well my name is y/n. That's my first name. Thought it would be weird if someone would call me by my last name. You know. Is that rude to think?"
" Cool. Cool. Cool"
Before I knew it we were standing outside of school. "Wow it's huge. How the fuck am I going to find my way to school"
"Follow me. I'll show you the way"

Y/n's perspective
I thought this guy would be a jerk but I guess I was wrong. Though I never see his mouth move when he talks. I'll have to ask him about that later. "Don't lag behind"
Wtf why is his mouth moving now?!? Can he hear my thoughts?!? I hope not cause if he can then he knows that I think that he looks cute. I bet he'd look even better without those glasses and if he was in my room nak-
"We're here"
" Where?"
"Your class" How the hell did he know?
"I never told you my class number"
"I guessed we had the same class" Nice save but that won't work on me Saiki. I'm on to you.

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