Get in the car loser,we're going shopping

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Y/n's perspective
After a tiring week of school the weekend has finally arrived. I finished unpacking all my stuff and I did all my homework so I think that I'll go to the mall for my swimsuit. Teruhashi said that I could join their group for the field trip and that's tomorrow. So you could say I'm a little SISTER STRESSED. Anyways I'm gonna get ready and go out now.
☆time skip☆

Alright I'm looking good today! Maybe Saki will see me and say damn y/n you're looking like a snack. But that doesn't seem like Saki's style. Why do I care about what that dumb Strawberry has to say though I barely even know him. I should just stop thinking about this I need to go shopping.
I grab my phone and plug in my headphones making sure to put on a song that'll drown out my thoughts. Now I can explore Japan and find that fucking swimsuit.
"Y/n is that you?"
Oh fuck.
"Yumehara how's it going?"
"Its going perfectly! I've got the perfect beach bod and I'm on my way to the mall for a swimsuit."
Maybe I can make this trip a bit more enjoyable if I have someone to hang out with.
"If you dont mind could I tag along with you?"
"Of course! Come on let's go!" Yumehara links her arm around mine and starts skipping towards what I presume is the mall.
"Hey guys guess who I found wondering outside!"
I thought I'd only hang out with Yumehara but I guess I'll be accompanied by Mera and Teruhashi. Fantastic.
"Yumehara why did it take you so long to- oh hi y/n I didn't see you there!"
"Hi Teruhashi."
"Y/n you HAVE to try this takoyaki! It just melts in your mouth!"
"Thanks for the offer Mera but I think I'll pass."
"More for me then!"
"Anyways y/n was going to buy a swimsuit so I thought why not we all do it together instead."
"Great idea Yumehara. Come on y/n we have a lot to try on."
"What about Mera?"
"She'll find one around besides I highly doubt she'd be able to afford one."
"Oh okay then?"
Teruhashi and Yumehara take me by the hand and practically drag me towards the swimsuits.
"Teruhashi this blue 2 piece would look soooooo good on you, you have to try it on!"
"Yumehara this orange 2 piece would look beautiful on you, you have to try it on!"
They both scurry off to the fitting rooms like rats and I'm left to fend for myself. I walk aimlessly around the shop till I find a peach colored 2 piece bikini.
"This doesn't look to bad."
I spin towards the fitting rooms to see if the girls are done trying on their outfits but they still haven't gotten out. Well I guess I'll just show them after I've changed. I put on the swimsuit and it fits like a glove. I grab a random piece of fabric off the wall and tie it around my waist. Now it's perfect. I walk out and I'm met with the stares of the whole store.
"Wow y/n you look so absolutely totally gorgeous!"
"Thanks Yumehara. You look really good too."
"It's all thanks to my diet. I was worried I wouldn't fit a size small but I do!"
"You shouldn't worry about that. You'd look beautiful either way."
"Y/n your just too kind!"
"I'm just speaking the truth. Anyways why don't we go get changed so we can buy this beauties."
"Good idea."
After purchasing our outfits a say goodbye to Yumehara and Teruhashi and walk around the mall to see if I can find some decorations for my apartment.

Saiki's perspective
I hate the mall. There are so many people which equals so many thoughts. I normally would have apported my clothes but I need to look nice for the school trip to Okinawa.
"Ooo this would look cute next to my deadpool poster."
I didn't take y/n as a deadpool fan but then again that would explain her erratic behavior.
"I wonder where Saiki went. I know I just saw him leave this store... Where is he? I can't let him be alone with a different girl! Especially not y/n. She's acting like she's his girlfriend! Doesn't she know that I like Saiki!"
Shit I don't want to deal with Teruhashi.
"Where could my buddy be?"
Not that way.
"I need to find Saiki and tell him about dark reunion."
Oh God why am I surrounded by idiots. The only option I have left is to go with y/n if I want to buy my shirts. "Hmmm maybe this would look nice-AHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK STRAWBERRY!"
"Hello to you to y/n."
"Sorry for screaming at you but GOD man don't creep up on me."
"Can't keep any promises."
"We'll see about that. Anyways what brings you here?"
"I need clothes."
"Yeah no shit sherlock. We're at a mall. What I mean is why did you have to come over and bother me. You know Teruhashi is here right?" "That's why I'm 'bothering' you." "So you don't like Teruhashi or something?"
"No I don't like her. She's annoying and talks to much."
"Then why be friends with her?"
"I'm not."
"But you talk to her and you hang out with her. How could you not be classified as friends?"
"I don't hang out with her because I want to. I do because I'm always stuck with her."
"Hmm...Well do you like hanging out with me or is it a chore? Please don't say you hate me.."
"You dont make me want to shoot my brains out."
"Thanks?.. Hey Saiki I gotta go. It's getting a bit late and I dont want to walk around during night."
"I could walk you home."
"How the hell did he say that so casually?!? He doesn't expect me to say yes to that right? I've only know him for a week..You do have to that Saiki." This isn't about whether or not I want to but because I have to. If I don't have someone to talk to then some other dimwit will fill that spot. Can't you see that y/n?
"Please don't leave me."

Y/n's perspective
His lips moved...I think for once he talking to me normally and he's voice sounds like silk.
"Ugh-I-I won't leave you Saiki. I won't ever leave you."
"Thank you y/n."
As soon as he said those words Saiki took my hand in his and we were running through the mall. His hands were so soft and gentle but I couldn't even focus on that since it felt like we were sonic. I really hope this moment doesn't end. It feels like it's just me and Saiki running away from all the troubles in life. Please don't ever leave me Saiki...
Hey dudes I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I didn't update this book last week. My phone Kermited suicide so I wasn't able to use wattpad. Anyways I got a new phone so updates will go up normally now. Thank you for your patience ('ー∀ー')

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