To Hell and Back--Part three--

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Aziraphale smirked while flashing off his new wings, turning and strutting towards the demons as they backed away slowly. The once elegant white wings were now shaggy and black, these were attained with the simple tools of a comb and black ink. With the dark lighting of the underground, they looked very convincing, as long as you didn't get too close or touch them. He couldn't explain it but he rather liked this feeling of power, or maybe the complete fear he had was clouding his judgment, but either way, his act was convincing. 'Watching all that theatre has really paid off' he thought. The demons quickly dispersed and the confident facade crumbled.

The angel dusted off his outfit as he aimlessly wandered around the cluttered place, stopping to talk to no one. Suddenly he found a door with a large fly like creature on it and figured this is where the prince must be. Fearfully he reached for the handle, only to be stopped by a partially familiar demon. Aziraphale, however, did not know his name.

"I would like in, please... I mean let me in now! I have to talk to Beezebulb." Azira attempted.

"That's shitty, they don't wanna speak to anyone." The demon chuckled.

Aziraphale held up the gold coin and with one swift movement the demon took it and scurried off. The angel took a breath of relief before reaching his hand out and grabbing the door handle, half expecting it to burn him. A shocking surprise came to the angel when he entered the room only to see pictures of Gabriel scattered on the floor as well as the prince of hell trying to cover them up.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" The demon screamed before even noticing who stood before him."Oh, it's you. What do you want angel?" They spat.

"How did you-" Aziraphale began, only to be cut off.

"I literally know everything about this place it's my job, besides it's not like you blend in, to...clean."The demon motioned up and down the angel's body before sitting down on their throne.

"Ah, very well. No need to hide behind this charade anymore then. You know what I want, well rather WHO I want." The angel stood tall, standing his ground and hiding his fear.

"Indeed, the idiot won't shut about how much he misses his angel. How much do you think he'd miss you if you were gone forever? You see the thing is after Crowley's little trip with the humans, he came back...different. We can't have that now, can we? " A flame appeared in a gloved hand, along with a twisted smile.

"What did you do to him? I swear I'll..." Aziraphale spat his words like venom. He was no longer scared, just infuriated.

"Relax, he's not dead. Not yet. He's far too valuable alive, so until he can smarten his ass up we put him in a VERY small cell, and no begging angel will release him. The best punishment is being alone with your own thoughts. " The demon smiled, stepping closer to the blonde man.

"I am NOT begging. I demand you return him or else..."

"Or else what?" The demon laughed loudly, gesturing to the still-burning flame in his hands.

Aziraphale pulled out a small squirt gun, very clearly labeled 'Holy Water'. Of course, it was not really holy water but rather sink water. This, however, was unknown to Beezebulb, who indeed thought it was real. The dark-haired man backed away slowly, stopping once the back of his legs hit against his chair.

"Oh no, my foolish Prince. Think of what the rest of hell would say once they found out about who you are so infatuated with dear. Besides letting me go? That may get you some serious brownie points with Gabriel ."

"Oh a feisty one, aren't you? Very well you can have him back but I need something from you." Beelzebub negotiated

"I must say I'm rather impressed. You came in here and stood up to me. Not many beings will do that. Well done. This is the only thing I will EVER do for you. You better tell that fine ass, Gabe, what I did. That moron's always trying to get me to do stupid shit like this. Oh and a little word of advice? Love is for foolish mortals. "The demon grumbled, partially embarrassed towards the end.

Aziraphale nodded as he stood tall with pride, slightly feeling pain from his earlier beating. Moments passed and soon a very limp body laid on the ground before them, obviously drugged. I only took Aziraphale seconds to deduce that it was the demon he did all this for. Rushing to his side the Angel held his hands out but restraining himself from helping until they got out of this literal hell hole. And just like that, the two were gone.

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