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On this particular morning I was sitting in my room cuddling my blankets - the darkness reflected the weather - it is cold March day. It's been four weeks since Hunter found out, and within that time, I have hardly been to school nor left the house. I couldn't bare seeing him, not after what happened. My grades, that weren't that great to begin with, dropped dramatically. I could see concerns in teachers eyes when they asked me what was wrong. I was surprised that the girls never told anyone else. I would go to the school nurse and sleep. She knew, but kept my secret.

Flashback++++ 4 weeks ago.

"You're pregnant?" Hunters face drops.

"You weren't meant to hear this way." I cry.

"When were you planning on telling me? Where you even going to tell me, Amelia?" Hunter spits.

"I-I was.... I just... I was just waiting for the right time." I spurted out nervously.

"It seems like I'm the only one who didn't know about this." He snapped.

"Please, I'm sorry. I was just scared how you would react, scared that you wouldn't want the baby."

"Just so we're clear, you're getting an abortion."


I pushed myself out of bed and started to get ready for school. I chuck on a pair of matching baby pink joggers and sweater, and some white sneakers. I tried underlining the fact that I wasn't pregnant with these clothes, but being four and a half months pregnant, it was hard.

I'm at school, for the third time in four weeks.
As I approach my final class of the day, I see Hunter. Trying to avoid him, I start to speed walk towards the bathroom. But before I could make it, I am face first into the ground. I push myself up and see Ashley and her posse. Her and the whole school were just standing there laughing. 

"Walk much", Ashley says in a snarky tone.

I catch eyes with Hunter. He isn't laughing, but he isn't doing anything either. He just stands there nudging his friends to stop laughing. I excepted nothing more.
I push past all the people and run out of school.

I stumbled to where I guessed was the back of the school, and sank down bedside the wall.
"Hey, you alright?" a voice blurts out. It was deep, with a serious tone. I was clearly NOT alright. I glanced up to a boy; He had long dark lashes and curly brown hair - he had it all. He is slumped against the wall with a cigarette sticking out from his mouth. I'd never seen him before.
I said nothing, but merely nodded and smiled. But even when I smiled, I found the tears threatening to invade my smile.
The boy put his cigarette out and sat beside me. Now that he was next to me it was far easier to observe him. He was beautiful, that's all I could say.
"I'm Josh." He Peers my way, holding his hand out.
"Amelia." I reply, wiping the tears away from my cheeks. I shake his hand.
We sat there talking. The talk was littered with smiles and laughs, it was a real conversation, not words. The feeling flowed through them as the conversation filled the air.

"How come I've never seen you around before?" I ask.

"Just moved here from New York with my mom and stepfather a few days ago. I wasn't really set on moving here. But I think I'll like it here." He smiles, resting his eyes on mine. He holds my gaze.
He cracks a joke about it all being a "strange staring contest" and I snort. After a few seconds I turn my head to the front, eyes just as still; then the bell rings, signaling the end of the day.
The boy puts his hand out and helps me onto my feet. I dusted of my pants and hitched my backpack on.
Even though he was a complete stranger, I really enjoyed talking to him.
"You have a good day now, Amelia." He smirks and with that he makes a turn around the corner.


Upon the bus ride home that day, the sky is washed with grey and the naked trees lined the street. The bus ride is my meditation. The same calming music in my earbuds, the same view passing like a rewatched movie I love. But just like that my good mood was flushed down the toilet.

"Can we talk?", the message read. It was from Ava.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk. I told who I thought was my "best friend" that I was pregnant and she ended up telling her boyfriend who ended up telling his sister, and just like that, it spread to the rest that now know. It's a small town, so it's only a matter of time before it spreads like wildfire. It would be like The Scarlett Letter.

As for the rest of my friends, it was a scene from a movie. I got pregnant, and they ran away. I only have one person who stuck by me, my friend Tessa. We're as close as we can be considering the miles between us. Actually, when I really think about, my mom has become my best friend. I was yet to tell my dad. It's just going to be hard, emotionally, because I have to go through all of these physical changes and doctors appointments, and everyone else will be out having fun. I feel like an outcast, which isn't like me at all. I was used to being one of them. Apart of something. 
It's easy for the guys, they don't have to carry the child or give birth, so they can just walk away and carry on with their life. Girls don't have that option. But I know I want my baby, even though he left me.

Maybe if I talked to Ava we could resolve things and I wouldn't feel so left out.

Love, AmeliaWhere stories live. Discover now