Chapter 13 (the party)

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--3rd POV—

Bang! Woken up, the small girl goes to the living to investigate. "Where is he!" A loud gruff voice bellowed and hit the girls mother to the floor. "Mommy!" The small girl yells and runs towards her mother. "No! Sweetie stay back!" The mother pleads extending her arm towards the girl. The two buff men turned towards the small girl, a creepy smirk spreading across there faces. "Oh look who we have here. Is this his daughter?" One of the men said. The girl stopped and started to back up till she hit the wall behind her. "Aw the little brat is scared." He said and started to walk towards the know crying girl. He picked her up by the hair and threw her to the floor. She hits her head on the hardwood making her cry more. Then-

—1st POV —

The dream gets cut off by me siting straight up in my bed, gasping for air. "I-I had a nightmare?" I mutter to myself. I haven't had a nightmare for awhile and now all of a sudden I have one. The villain attack probably is causing it.'Damnit'

It's so early that the sun isn't out yet but there is no way I am going back to sleep. I get up and take a shower to wash off all the sweat that I got from my nightmare. I walk downstairs after my shower, it's still dark out.

I walk to the kitchen and I decided that I would make some breakfast for my dad since I wasn't that hungry. But when I went to the fridge there was a note on it.


I had to leave early for a meeting at UA. So don't worry about me. Also school is canceled today because of the attack. Relax a little try not to think about what happened yesterday.

I love you, and don't forget to go PLUS ULTRA!'

I chuckled a bit and threw the piece of paper in the trash can. "Why are you throwing paper at yourself?" Genie came out to bug me. "Ha ha very funny." I say and roll my eyes. "I keep telling you I should become a comedian." "Ye-" I begin to retort but I sharp pain in my head stopped me. I held my head and stumbled back a bit. I few images invaded my mind before leaving instantly. I gasp and teleport to the school.

—Back to 3rd POV—

"So on to your daughters premonition. Do we think it was about the attack or something different in the future?" The police officer asked the pro heroes. "I'm not sure. If it was about what happened yesterday, then why was it only a few minutes before? It doesn't really add up." AllMight spoke. "I agree with AllMight. Some of the words she said doesn't match with what happened." Midnight pointed out. "True, but we could have stopped some of the things from happening and -" Principal Nezu was cut of by the doors to the meeting room swinging open. To revile the very person they were talking about disheveled and out of breath.

1st POV—

I barge in like a crazy person panting to catch my breath. "M-my premonition it wasn't about yesterday. I don't know much but I know we don't have much time to prepare. Only about a year or so. It's bad, really bad."

—Time skip—

I teleported back home since Dad and the teachers had work to do at the school. After what I told them they asked me a few questions some I knew other I didn't. I cleared up some things but not a lot. I wish I could help more, but I'm just as useless as I've always been.

I decide I should visit Uncle Sho again at the hospital.

I teleported there singed in and headed straight for his room. He hasn't woken up yet which makes me nervous, but the doctors reassured me that he's fine. I sit by him and hold his hand and decide I would tell the story he would always tell me when I was little.

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