I'm sorry (please read)

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(Put in multiple parts of the story so people reading in different spots will see this)

Hey beautiful people,

No one pressured, asked or even mentioned this to me. It is of my own free will.

So, I realized that many people with varying ethnicities read my story, which makes me so very happy. And if you can't tell I am very...white.

Even though this story is supposed to YOU in it I have may have made certain characteristics of (Y/N) seem white. And though that was never my intention I am so very very sorry. As an author and content creator it's my job to make sure that you (the reader) are comfortable, and feel welcomed in the environment I have created. I should have made sure that none of her characteristics were in any way racially specific.

I think it would've have mainly been scenes or sentences involving hair. Thinking back on it if it was YOU I should have worded it differently in a way that made it available for everyone to feel included. Whether you have long, short, curly, frizzy or none at all. I wasn't thinking inclusively and I was being ignorant.

So once again I'm sorry if you ever felt excluded in reading my story or unwelcome. From now on I will be thinking about this while writing and editing past chapters.

Thank you for understanding. And as always I hope you are all having a wonderful whatever time of day you are reading this.


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