Mother's touch

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Mother? What are you doing here?
"Michael are you okay , baby I've been worried sick about you. I don't know where you've been living , a few weeks ago someone car blew up, I've been concerned about my baby boy.
So are you alright?" She pants close to tears .
Mother I'm fine now, I've been with Mel.
"Baby where's your car?" Asking quite suspiciously .
"Umm its gone mother". regretting the fact he said that .
"Baby, why is you car gone ?" Asking more concerned.
.... It blew up ,mother .
"Oh my lord baby you mean to tell me you were the boy in the burning car at the hospital.?" She ask on the brink of tears.
Yes mother , she says feeling ashamed.

Michaels pov
I didn't want to tell my mother ,but I've never lied to her in my life. I didn't want to start now . I felt ashamed for not calling her. As she cry hysterically in my arms .
All I could do was hold her.
I turned looking over my shoulder at Mel who was close to tears herself.
"Michael so your saying you and Melanie her lied in that hospital an no one thought to tell me ." she asked through her tears.
"MrsJackson I'm so sorry , I'm Soo very very sorry. " Melanie said as tears poor down her face . She walks away.

Mother please come in and have a seat . I'll get you some water .
She walks in with tears still in her eyes but yet scoping around the house .
I walked over handing her the water and she sat down. "It is a nice house baby." she said
"Yea, I think so too mother". I respond
"Michael ,Why didn't you tell me ?" You know I would have been there, you know I would have wanted to be there with you. you are my son ,remember that? " she grabs my hand
I know mother, but I thought you would be on Joseph's side. I know it was a lousy thought but it was my thought nonetheless. oh my sweet boy, I love you so much, we've alway had one of the greatest relationships . I don't care who it is , you are my child , I love you so much ,if you would have died I don't know what I'd done. I probably would have never known now is that fair to the mother I know you love ?"
She asked
"No mother, I'm so sorry " I say as I cry on her lap and she strokes my head.
"You know what this reminds me of?" She asked with a grin .
"No,what ?" I say still crying like a child.
When you were a little boy and after you father gave you a whooping , you would run to me and would cry those big brown eyes out. you would lie your sweet head on my lap ,just like this and I would sing to you. " she say smiling at her memory.
"Mother can you sing for me now?" I asked just like I was still that little boy.
"Hush little baby don't say a words, mommas gonna buy you a mocking bird if that mocking bird don't sing mommas gonna buy you a diamond ring . ..
She continues to sing
And Michael falls asleep

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