Sick and tired

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After about a half hour , my awoke and so did Katherine. "When are you going back to to school honey ?"Looking down at her lap.
"Next week mother and please don't ask your next question because the answer is never. I'm never coming back to that house, I was kicked out and that's how it is mother." Michael turned from looking up at his , mother . he could tell the disappointment in her eyes, it wasn't toward him it was toward Joseph .
"But I will be getting an apartment with Mel,when I graduate next month." hoping that would put her mind at ease. "But until than, I'll be staying her , and I promise Janet I'll come by to see her and that's what I'll do." feeling proud of myself.
"All of your brothers except for Marlon and Randy are gone,Latoya and Rebbie are gone too. They left after they found out about your father's infidelity. " feeling sad she sniffles and turns her head towards the door.
"My father's what?" nothing but rage filled my body, I got up off her lap. "Mother are you saying my father cheated on you?" anger filled my eyes, cause them to go into slits
Sighing she shakes her head yes " He had a child as well"
That last piece of info sent Michael through the roof "Mel, stay here with mother, I'll be right back." she ran downstairs after hearing the anger slash sadness in his voice. "Michael , where are you going?" They both asked in unison.
"I'll be back , in taking the car." He states.
With that Michael left out the front door and slammed it. Katherine sat on the couch balling her eyes out. Her husband has cause so much pain for so many years. "Mrs.Jackson , what's wrong with him? Turning that corner to find her crying." Oh Mrs. Jackson, please don't cry." I lave to go get her some tissue and when I return she's gone
I'm down the highway , going 80mph . I feel like I'm boiling inside. how dare that bitch,cheat on my mother and have another child.
I pulled up in front of mother's house and slammed the car door.
I banged on the front door until Janet came to answer it.
"Michael, you kept your promise!" she jumps on me and hugs me endlessly. "Yes I did Donk , now tell me where Joseph is." Not noticing my anger she told me he was in the office in the back. I ran passed her to the office. "Get up you son of a bitch!!" I screamed to the top of my lungs
"What the fuck did you just call me boy?" feeling really confident I repeated. "I said get up you son of a bitch!"
He rises from his chair and steps closer to me. I felt warning signs all over my body. I felt the largest blow to my body Id ever experienced before.
I hit the floor "boy , I owed you that for being that whore into my house" those words sent me into over drive and I forgot how much pain I was in and attacked him. I punched and punched and punched more.
Rage boiled in my eyes, all the years I had to deal with his shit.
"MICHAEL ! Please stop baby" mother screamed .
I backed of him and walked to the door , JANET GET YOUR SHIT LETS GO!
"Michael where are you going." Mother I'm taking my sister and we're getting out of this house. I want you to come to but you just insist on being here with him. I love you mother but I will fucking kill him ,if I don't leave!
With that I grabbed Janet's things and we were gone without another word

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