chapter 3~

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A few months later~

Cleopatra pov

Me and draco was walking to platform 9 3/4 lucius and  narcissa to get on the hogwarts express , I noticed a boy who had scruffy black hair green eyes and glasses he also had a lighting bolt scar on his forehead, I thought*:why does he look so familiar meh I'll just leave it he's probably a disgusting half blood or mudblood:*  draco noticed I was busy thinking about something and snapped me out of my trance " c'mon cleo let's go get a compartment on the train"  i laughs abit and nodded getting onto the hogwarts train and managed to get acompartment for me and draco i noticed his goons aka Crabbe and Goyle entered and sat next to draco , I rolled my eyes and pulled out a potions book and began to read it while my pet zerus was curled around my wrist sleeping.

A few minutes later

I heard our compartment door open and saw a red head with hand down robes and the boy spoke " omg you Cleopatra potter the girl who lived,  I just meet your brother harry he's really cool do you have the well scar aswell by the way I'm ronWesley " " ah so your a Wesley my brother draco told me about you guys also go away i don't associate with blood traitors so go away before I put a jinx on you" I smirked as I watched Ron quickly run away from the compartment i heard draco and his goons burst out laughing,  I chuckled slightly and kicked the 3 boys out of the compartment and closed the door soI could change into my robes

A few hours later

We arrived at hogwarts and draco was standing beside me protectively since he was the oldest brother as w saw a half breed gaint who spoke in a jolly voice " welcome to hogwarts where yu guys and gurls will be learning magic, blimey is that you Cleopatra i haven't seen you since you were just a lil baby " i hide behind draco not wanting to be the centre of attention,  draco got annoyed and sneered " just take us to the castle " hagrid guided us to the boats and everyone got in separate ones.

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