Chapter 4 - "I'm not about to get shot for some random guy!"

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Felicia decided not to go to the party, she'd be way out of her comfort zone as she didn't really like massive parties, that weren't at her own house. Instead, she had told James and Jared that she'd go to a shop to go get loads of food for their movie marathon tonight. Surprisingly, James had let her borrow his deep red Aston Martin. He only went out in it when they were going on trips to places like New York and California, so Felicia was clearly surprised he was letting her drive to the shop for food with it.

She was also surprised he let her drive since she was still on her lessons, her brothers had been teaching her, and she hadn't got a license yet. But she was pretty sure she was very close to getting a license, and anyway she pulled up and parked not so perfectly and headed into the department store for things her parents would usually get them whenever they had a movie marathon.


Once she came out of the shop she put the bags on the car seat next to her own and closed the door. When suddenly, she saw a blue explosion out in the distance, and she wasn't going to investigate what it was she was just gonna go home and start that movie marathon. Going to investigate would be stupid and she wasn't a stupid 'superhero' like Spider-Man, or Peter.

But then, she realised Peter would be headed for that explosion right now, and the only reason Tony Stark came to her and shared her secret was because he didn't want the boy to be stupid and get himself killed. Tony Stark wanted her to look out for Peter Parker, he believed she could be trusted with such a job, because honestly, Peter Parker was like a curious five year old and would launch head first into any sense of danger.

She growled in anger and got into her brothers car and started it up, she just really hoped the car didn't get destroyed. James would probably kill her without hesitation if he found out she destroyed his car, his car was his baby. But then, she'd have to explain how his car got destroyed and then he'd find out she was Black Cat, and loads of dilemmas and predicaments would follow after that.

Felicia then began to drive out of the car park and stepped on the accelerator and put her main focus on driving in and out of cars, but not enough to be caught by the police. Her other main focus was to keep in mind which direction she was headed in, as she wouldn't want to be racing around for ages, only to find out she was going in the wrong direction.

She'd be royally pissed if that was the case, and she tried not to get even a scratch on the car. James noticed everything when it came to his car, and it was unbelievable. She remembered back a few months ago she accidentally got ice cream on his car, how she had no idea, but he proper flipped out and ranted on about how she had to be more careful around his car or he'd murder her. Not that he'd be able to, she was way faster than him, she knew that. So, it'd be a bit of a fail if he tried to kill her.

Felicia knew the next turn would make sure she was heading in the right direction, but she was aware of what an awkward turn it would be since she was going so fast. Felicia took a deep breath before she jerked the steering wheel to the left sharply and the car drifted round the corner and sped down the road, where she went in and out of different cars.

Felicia let out a small laugh at how well that turn worked, but figured it was just luck. Now she was on the freeway, and she had to head off of it to get right where the spot was, but she was stuck behind two very slow cars, and she was slowly loosing her patience and slammed her hand on the horn.

The driver to one of the cars leant out the window and flipped her off. She rolled down the window. "Fuck you!" She screamed out the window as she saw an opening to the other side  of the free way and mentally prepared herself. Felicia reminded herself she just had to go to the opening after this one, then she was at the exit of the freeway, then she'd be there.

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