Chapter 6

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When Cloud was done, all MJ could do was gawk. He was speechless. "Cat of shadows, dreams, sight and hearing, strength, and...leaves?" MJ lost his initial confusion and it was replaced by a new confusion. How can a cat control leaves?, the ginger tom pondered.

"MJ, are you ok?! Did that remind you of something?" The brown and white she-cat next to him asked. Even though MJ didn't want to admit it, it did remind him of something. It was time for him to tell ThunderClan the truth.
Violetstar was stalking through the undergrowth when Leafshade, one of the new warriors, had interrupted her. "Violetstar," the normally calm brown cat started, "Uhmmm, well, the ThunderClan leader and WindClan leader need to talk to you." The she-cat was obviously surprised. Nobody wanted to be up SkyClan's business since the greencough outbreak was put down. "Well, what does Dawnstar and Runningstar want from me?"

Leadshade looked around for a moment, "They want to talk to you about something in...private..."

"Well tell them I'll be there shortly."

"Yes ma'am." The brown she-cat walked away while Violetstar finished hunting.

Well if Leafshade couldn't be more right, sure enough, Dawnstar and Runningstar were waiting for her. "What does ThunderClan and WindClan want from SkyClan?" Violetstar growled.

"We want to talk to you about something." Runningstar replied, unfazed by Violetstar's hostility. Dawnstar started to talk, "We had our warriors do a border check."

"Is that all?" Violetstar asked accusingly. Where in the name of Starclan is this going?

As if Dawnstar read her thoughts, she finished. "We overheard a loner recite a prophecy. One only StarClan could give in this land."

Violetstar was astonished and asked Runningstar, "Well then what is"


Once Runningstar finished explaining, the grey and white she-car right in front of Dawnstar was left gawking. "So a loner, a cat that isn't from the clans, got a prophecy from StarClan?" Violetstar tilted her head in confusion.

"Yes." was all Dawnstar could answer. It wasn't the loner having the ability to talk to Starclan that fascinated her. It was the ginger tom, MJ, she thought his name was.

"StarClan to Dawnstar!" The orange she-cat was immediately pulled from her thoughts. "Don't worry, I'm alive."

"...ohhhhkayyy?" Violetstar seemed to be more confused about what is going on with Dawnstar than the prophecy, "Anyways, we still need to tell RiverClan about those two mysterious prophecies."

"Alright well bye Runningstar and Dawnstar. Thanks for warning SkyClan!"

"Any time Violetstar!"
MJ was almost to Thunderclan when, who MJ still presumed to be Bumblestripe, stopped him. "Looks like your back MJ!" The stupid tom ended up waking up all of Thunderclan. "Hey isn't that the cat everyone's talking about?!" "What do you want from us?!" "What are you doing here?"

"That's enough!" Dawnstar just started to walk through the Thunderclan entrance. "I believe you're here to tell me something?" Dawnstar asked. "Yes Dawnstar, I am. Not just to you though but the whole clan." Everybody looked shocked. Then Cloud and Quake walked in.

"I believe you were about to tell the clan about your past." Cloud meowed. MJ dipped his head in a gesture to say yes. "Thunderclan, the time has come that I tell you the truth of who I am. I am..."
Lionblaze had just walked outside when he heard the those five surprising words nobody from Thunderclan expected. "I am one of you." That was what the ginger tom said. It wasn't that what scared him. It was what he said next. "I'm the fourth kit of Leafpool's and Crowstar's forbidden relationship."
Dovewing was tired by the time she got back to the nursery. "Moooom! Jaykit put turtles and worms in my bedding again!" That was the 25th time! "Jaykit!" The grey tom hopped out of the nursery. "Why do you keep putting worms and turtles in Firekit's moss?" "Because that's what Ravenheart said dad used to do to his litter mates before Ravenheart himself was born!" The thought of Tigerstar stung, but it was nowhere near the pain she felt from not being allowed to visit Ivypool's kits. "Well you can stop doing that okay." "Yes momma..." "Alright, well you two go find something to do while mom rebuilds the elders den."

Once Dovewing was done repairing the elders den, she headed toward the nursery, but something felt off, like someone or something was watching the clan. As if to answer her question, there was a battle yowl and it looked like it was an invasion by a few rogues. "Everybody defend the nursery and elders now!" Leapstar's yowled too the whole clan. Everybody got into the defensive and tried to keep the rogues from entering the camp while others went to defend the elders and nursery just in case.
Dawnstar was sitting on the high rock thinking about the things she's heard. It sounded so...familiar, she realized. It was possible she met MJ during her time as a loner. She noticed he was looking at Ravenpaw as well. MJ knows Ravenpaw, and Ravenpaw knows MJ! she realized. But what do I do with MJ and his friends? the orange she-cat pondered. They might become warriors possibly. It's not a far fetched idea since MJ is apparently one of us. Yeah. That's what I'll do.

"All cats old enough to hunt their own prey please come to the center for a clan meeting!" Dawnstar yowled. All cats left their dens, Lionblaze, Ravenpaw, and Bumblestripe to name a few. Others like MJ, Cloud, and Quake came to the center as well. "As you all know, MJ has revealed he his one of us. It will only be right to allow him the chance to join Thunderclan." Dawnstar declared.

Then she rested her gaze on MJ. "Your friends will also be allowed to join if they want." The ginger tom nodded his head in thanks. Before he could speak, his energetic and optimistic friend spoke first, Dawnstar sworn the she-cat was eating chocolate which is lethal to cats if eaten in large amounts, "I would like to join!" The white tom, named Cloud, nodded his head, "I guess I'll join as well." The only cat left to answer was MJ.

"Well since I'm the only one to answer my answer will be...," The tom pondered about it for a while, "You know what screw it, I'll join too!" That was all he had to say. "With all of them agreeing, if they want to, they can have a name change." Dawnstar meowed. "I'm okay with that." replied MJ. "Quake stand to the front please." The brown she-cat did what she was told, "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect the clan even at the cost of your life." The she-cat didn't know what the traditional answer was so just said, "I will!" "From this moment on, you will be known as Quakepelt and Thunderclan welcomes you as a full member."

Cloud had gotten his Warrior name which was Cloudfoot. All that was left was MJ. MJ answered the oath with, "I do."

"Then from this moment on, you will be known as Lionstripe and Thunderclan welcomes as a full member." Dawnstar couldn't help but admire the cat. For a cat that was nervous about not being well-liked by the warriors the first time he was here, he sure seemed calm and collected.

Lionblaze was kinda happy at finding out he has another sibling since Hollyleaf died. Jayfeather on the other hand.. "Don't get comfy here loner!" Jayfeather spat at Lionstripe. "Don't get comfy thinking I'm a pushover." Lionstripe responded. Jayfeather held his gaze, then stalked away. Just then, there was a flash of black entering the camp and all Bumblestripe, Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and many other cats that battled the Dark Forest, were left to gape at the cat in front of them.

Warriors Book One: Chronicles of the Prophecies: A Prophecy of FourWhere stories live. Discover now