Chapter 12

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Thunderclan was heavily depressed. Lionstripe and Dappledtail were still unable to leave camp. Dappledtail had kits anyway, but Lionstripe was stuck in camp.

Lionblaze and Bumblestripe were off in the distance talking, Hollyleaf kept making worried glances towards Lionstripe. Alderheart knew the clan couldn't keep going like this. Eventually there would be a revolution. A very, very bloody revolution. Shadowclan and Riverclan had been very aggressive with the other clans and the cats that went against them.

Lionstripe wasn't the only super depressed cat in Thunderclan. Fernsong lost his mate, Ivypool, to Redstar's claws. The white and grey she-cat was a formidable, fierce foe to be reckoned with. But she was no match against the red leader, Alderheart thought with a pang of sadness. He'd known many cats all his life. Ivypool, Molewhisker, Cloudtail, and Daisy for example. But they were dead now.

Alderheart always hated being useless in the battlefield. Unable to protect a wounded clanmember from being further harmed. And he knew just the cat that can help him.

"Uhmmm...Uhhh...Lionstripe..." The depressed ginger tom perked his head up. "What do you need Alderheart?" The tom asked. "I...well...Can you teach me how too fight?" Alderheart asked immediately.

Lionstripe just laid there, eyes showing that he was thinking, "I guess I could teach you some of the fighting moves that only I know." Hope prickled at Alderheart, "but they will be extreme moves and you have to be fast on your feet to perfect them." As Lionstripe said that, he started to sit up. Alderheart was clumsy and tall, but he wasn't going to let that get in the way of protecting his clanmates.

"I'm still willing to learn." Alderheart replied.

"Well then the best course of action is to practice, but in secret of course." Alderheart just nodded his head, eager to protect his clanmates.
For those that are confused, this part of the chapter contains both of Lionblaze's and Bumblestripe's POVs
Lionblaze and Bumblestripe were searching for Lionstripe everywhere. When they couldn't find him, they went too ask Hollyleaf. Hollyleaf whispered to them, "I saw Alderheart go talk to him, and the two snuck out of the camp."

"Why would Alderheart want to talk to Lionstripe out of nowhere?" Lionblaze asked quietly.

"I don't know!" Hollyleaf quietly growled. A brown lithe tom started to head to them. "What seems to be the problem here?" The tom asked.

"You know, just sibling problems." Bumblestripe meowed in amusement. The tom stared at Bumblestripe for a bit. There was hope in the tom's eyes for a bit before Bumblestripe said anything. It was replaced with disappointment.

"Well sorry for getting in the middle of it!" The brown then proceeded too walk away. "Did any of you notice the hope in his eyes before Bumblestripe said anything?" Hollyleaf and Bumblestripe were still looking at the timing.

Bumblestripe turned his head to see the massive golden body that was Lionblaze. "After I spoke, it turned too disappointment. Not for almost catching us. It was like he was hoping for a plan to stop Shadowclan and Riverclan!"

Hollyleaf and Lionblaze nodded their heads. "He'll be a great candidate for any plans to put an end to Riverclan's and Shadowclan's hold on Thunderclan. Cats started to pour out of their dens. Bumblestripe and Lionblaze were confused until they saw Redstar. "He must have noticed Alderheart's and Lionstripe's absense when he came to the camp." Bumblestripe whispered.

"All prisoners of Shadowclan and Riverclan! It has come to my attention that two of your cats are gone and have snuck out of camp."

Just as he said that, Alderheart and Lionstripe walked to Bumblestripe's sides. "You could've been caught missing. He's already noticed that two cats are gone!" Bumblestripe hissed quietly.

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