↳𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟐

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magic jewelry?

───── ❝ THIRD POINT OF VIEW❞ ─────

[NAME] LAUGHED at her silly thought. "Who am I kidding..." she said, looking down at the floor. "Maybe we'll never save the people of Paris. Instead we have to protect ourselves from being akumatized." Luke looks at her, and sweats drops. "Yeah," he spoked, "I guess it would be nice to save the city of Paris." He looks at [Name] and chuckles. "It would've also been cool to fight a titan."

[Name] smiled. Luke then chimed in again. "Wanna watch Netflix's original Tall Girl?" "13 sized Nikes. Men's 13 sized Nikes." Luke laughed. "Sure!" [Name] said, before standing up. "I'm just going to head up and change." Luke laughed. "Same here!" Then the twins both laughed.

""Twins. Am I right?"" They both said, in sync. They then stopped And looked at each other. ""Very funny. Stop-"" they stopped again. ""Stop!"" The twins looked around. ""Mary cheese sticks! Fudging Waffles! Dang it!"" The twins burst out into laughter again. "Jesus, that was intense." [Name] commented, heading towards her room. Luke nodded. "Agreed."

How the house was set up, the kitchen and the living room were downstairs. [Name]'s room is on the right side, upstairs, and Luke was on the left. And up ahead was their mother's room. Both entered and the doors were shut.

[Name] changed into a (color) sweatshirt and (color) sweats. Whereas Luke changed to don't be sad shirt and black sweats. As both were about to leave, the twins noticed a black box on top of their dresser. "What the-" "what's this?" Both twins were puzzled and assumed it was from their mother.

They both reached for the box and grabbed it. Before they found what was inside, a bright light appeared causing both to stumble back. "Woah!" "Gah!" They cried out. They opened their eyes to find floating creatures in front of them. The silence of the house was soon interrupted by the screams of the twins. ""AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!"

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

"THE MOTHER OF PEWDIEPIE!" "JESUS LORD!" The twins had yelled out running out of their rooms and into the hallway. When both twins were out, they faced each one another before then screaming, ""You have one too?!""

The two little fairy odd-parents noticed one another and hugged. "Lang!" "Bianfu!" The two little furries (?) hugged each other, causing the twins' panic to die down. "I'm sorry to spoil this adorable moment. But who are you?" Luke laughed. "I'll do you one better, why are you?" "I'll finish that. What are you?!"

The one who had similar features to a wolf laughed. "I like my owner!" Bianfu sighed. "I'm sorry let us introduce ourselves." The two creatures flew up on our eye level. "My name is Bianfu!" Bianfu points at Luke. "You were chosen as my owner. I grant you the power of communication."

Luke's eyes widen in amazement. "So I get to be Batman?!" Bianfu deadpanned. "Why do you humans always think that?" [Name] giggled. She then turned toward her creature. "You must be Lang? Right?" Lang smiled. "You are right! I will grant you the power of balance." Bianfu hears the crashes and the screams from outside. "Lets give you a quick explanation. We are kwamis. Our job is to serve our owner's purpose by using our power. You must use your power for good. You will work side by side with others like you. To defeat the villain who uses his power for evil."

The twins both nodded in agreement. "All you have to do is follow our instructions." Bianfu flew towards Luke, while Lang flew towards [Name]. "All you have to say," Bianfu started along with Lang.

"Bianfu, ears listen! To use your special move, you must say, Telepathy! That will allow either you to spread a message with your teammates or communicate with one another. You can decide on that. But then, you only have 5 minutes until you detransform. "

"Lang, howl on! To use your ultimate move, just say Balance! That will grant you the same power as the enemy. In a way to restore balance!" [Name] giggled. Lang then grabbed her face. "But you must remember you have 5 minutes to detransform!"

""And remember, you must not tell anyone who you are. The both of you. Not even your comrades."" The twins nodded, and smiled in determination.

"Bianfu!" "Lang!" "Ears listen/howl on!" And soon the transformations began.

Luke had done a small dance during his transformation. The suit itself was black. He motioned his hands above his head, before then leather bat ears appeared. He spread his arms out, allowing his lower arm to have, what looks like wings; Which were a dark purple. He then covered his face before uncovering it with black mask. He smiled.

[Name] closed her eyes, and lifted her arms. Her hands were covered in white, where her arm was a dark shade of gray, almost black. The rest of the body was white, until the knees. Which had the same color design as the arms. It was placed to look like knee high boots. She used her hands and magically pulled two leather wolf ears. She then twirled before then a tail appeared, which was attached to the belt. The belt was dark gray, and had pockets.

The twins looked at one another after the transformation. They both grinned. "This is so amazing!" [Name] stated, before then doing (insert fortnite move). Luke looked at her, with a cringed expression. "Oh geez..." he mumbled, under his breath.

[Name] giggled. She then noticed her weapon on the side of her waist. She grabbed them and smiled. "Oh yeah!! Rings!" The rings looked like the throwing rings when you play ring toss, only a bit bigger! On one ring, the color was white. And the other ring was colored black." She threw them, and they came right back. "Woah~ almost like a boomerang." (Has Jo Jo Siwa flashbacks)

Luke then stared at his own weapon. The weapon was a black and purple hammer. Which was a surprising light. Luke grinned. "It reminds me of the inflatable toy hammer I had." [Name] shuddered. "I remember. You kept hitting me with it."

Luke started walking towards their balcony, and was about to jump. "Wait, shouldn't we think of hero names first?" [Name] said, bringing up a good point.

Luke smiles before then giving off a proudly aura. "I'm Vamp." [Name] tilted her in confusion. Before then, his idea struck her. "Ohh! Like Vampire!" Luke chuckled. "Yup!"

[Name] stood in a thinking position. "Hmmm..." she expressed as she was thinking. Her face then lit up. "Oh Oh! I got it." She then pointed at herself.


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