The Truth

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The Next Day

Nevaeh's POV

Dean hadn't come back to the hotel last night, he simply asked me to meet him at the airport. So I did because I knew no matter how many questions I asked him, he wasn't going to answer any.

So here I was sitting in the airport terminal waiting for him so we could fly home together. Why? I wasn't sure. In Dean's words he had business there. It wasn't work related otherwise the rest of The Shield would be there. Roman and Seth had dropped me off at the airport. Roman wasn't thrilled about me going on a trip alone with Dean and had actually asked to join us.

However I knew I'd get no answers out of Dean if didn't come alone, so I managed to convince Roman I'd be fine on my own. I could tell he was a bit hurt but I'd deal with that later. As I was deep in my own thoughts, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around.

"Hey there sweetheart." Dean said then pulled me close and kissed me deeply and passionately like his life depended on it. I kissed back trying to match the intensity." You actually came." He said seeming a bit surprised.

"Yes I came. And your breath smells like alcohol you're lucky I even kissed back." I semi teased.

"You know I'm too handsome to resist." Dean countered with a smirk.

"Don't ruin this trip by making me resist you." I countered with a smirk of my own.

"Well I wouldn't want to do that now would I?" He said as he kissed me once more as our plane was called to start boarding.

"Nope, you sure wouldn't babe." I said after kissing back, then was about to grab my bag but Dean got it for me." Thank you." I said as we headed onto the plane. I was about to head to coach when Dean stopped me.

"Oh yeah I upgraded your seat to 1st class." He said leading the way and I sat beside him. I was starting to get suspicious now. Don't get me wrong, Dean could be sweet when he wanted. However the fact he went missing last night then suddenly turned sweet is suspicious to me.

"Did you sleep with someone else? Because if you did that's fine, we aren't exclusive." I suddenly asked and Dean looked at me then laughed.

"Really sweetheart? I'm nice to you and the first question you ask is if I slept with another woman." He said looking at me." No sweetheart, the only one I've slept with since meeting you is you." He added.

"So are you going to tell me where you disappeared to yesterday?" I asked

"I will sweetheart, I promise. Just not yet. Okay?" He said.

"Okay babe." I replied willing to accept that as the plane took off.

"You excited to go home for a little bit?" He asked.

"Kinda yeah, it's weird being on the road. Although I'm sure you're used to it by now." I admitted." Although I'm ready to go back and kick the ass of whoever attacked me." I added.

"Easy there tiger, you have three bodyguards to do your bidding for you. We'll take care of it for you." He said.

"You won't be able to." I said simply.

"Why not?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Because the person who attacked me is a woman. Women are more calculated when it comes to attacks. This attack was well orchestrated, there was four of us yet none of us caught a glimpse or actually caught the attacker. Which is why I'll get my own revenge. I won't let any of you put your hands on a woman." I replied while trying to get comfortable. Dean tapped on his lap and I immediately sat on it and snuggled into him.

You're mine sweetheart Where stories live. Discover now