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Two Weeks Later

Nevaeh's POV

For the past two weeks, we'd been collecting evidence against Roman. Seth bugged every hotel room they shared together, we got to the arena early everyday to bug his lockeroom and hell we even set up an app on his phone that allowed us access to his phone.

We had phone conversation recordings of him and Paige plotting. We had text messages between the two of them, that laid out the plans on a weekly basis. Oh, we also found out they were sleeping together but that's a whole other story.

Dean was beyond pissed and wanted to kill Roman the moment we found out, however I managed to convince him not to. You see I had a much better plan. After we had solid proof of what Roman had done, neither of the boys wanted to work with him anymore. So I pitched the idea to Vince that we'd all out Roman on live television then the boys would attack him after I went off on him.

Vince loved the idea, the shield was coming to a close soon anyways so this was the perfect way to end it. Tonight was the big night, we'd be going out as the shield one final time before destroying it.

As for Roman, he had no idea any of this way going on. We all played our parts acting like nothing was going on and he was still family to all of us. Since I had "fixed" things with Dean after our fake argument, the attacks started happening again. We continued to pretend as if we had no idea who could possibly be attacking me. There was however one thing we didn't know, when I'd get attacked it was by a woman but the woman definitely wasn't Paige. At first I thought it was Nikki, but I had a match with Nikki when I got attacked once so that didn't make any sense.

For now though, that didn't matter. All that mattered was today justice was going to be served. All these thoughts were running in my head as I finished my make-up in my lockeroom. Today I was wearing black skinny jeans, a black crop top with black combat boots. My hair was straight as usual and I had on red lipstick.

"How you feeling sweetheart?" Dean asked looking at me as he sat on my couch.

"Nervous but ready." I admitted.

"Why nervous sweetheart? You know if Roman tries anything me and Seth will end him." Dean said as I knew Dean couldn't wait to get his hands on him.

"I know babe, I'm not worried about that." I said softly as I sat beside him and he wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

"Then what's wrong sweetheart?" Dean asked.

"I'm going to get so much hate for being the one to break up the shield. You guys have crazy loyal fans and they're all going to blame me for splitting up your brotherhood." I admitted.

"Well, Vince said our relationship can become public tonight. My fans will understand that I wanted out from the shield in order to protect you." Dean reasoned and kissed me softly." Don't worry sweetheart, none of this is your fault." He said soothingly and kissed my forehead, but I still couldn't help but feel guilty.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door." Who is it?" I asked.

"It's Seth." Seth said.

"Come on in." I replied and in walked Seth dressed in his Shield gear.

"Are you sure you want to do this Seth? I mean Roman is.." I said but Seth cut me off.

"I'm sure 'Vaeh. He attacked you out of jealousy. You're Deans girl, we had a vow to always protect one of our own and he broke that. He's no brother of mine anymore." Seth replied.

"Thanks man, it means a lot to us that you're on our side." Dean said and Seth nodded.

"Come on boys it's time to head to curtain." I said just wanting to get this over with. Roman joined us as we headed up the stairs to the top of the arena.

Thankfully we didn't have time for chit chat as the Shields theme music played for the last time. We headed down the stairs in our usual order then Roman and Dean held the ropes down for me as I entered the ring.

Roman then handed me a microphone, little did he know it was gonna be the microphone to end him. Roman just thought we were out here to promote our matches for this Sunday's paperview.

I mentally took a deep breath then put the microphone to my lips." Tonight I'm out here speaking to all you halfwits about how the Shield will walk out victorious come SummerSlam. And I'll get to that, but first I'd like to address something else."

"Now as you guys know our mission as the Shield is to serve justice. And that's exactly what we plan on doing tonight." I said with a slight smirk and the crowd went wild.

"Ro', Can you come over here please?" I asked having him switch spots with Dean so Roman was now standing beside me and I turned to face him.

"Of course babygirl." Roman responded happy to come closer to me.

"Are you ready to serve justice for me?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Always babygirl." Roman said with a smirk.

"Excellent that's exactly what I wanted to hear. That means you'll have no problem admitting you're behind my attacks. That you're behind me getting attacked on a weekly basis." I said and the crowd was shocked. Roman began to open his mouth but I cut him off.

"And before you try to weasel your way out of this, lets take a look at this recording of you. Shall we?" I asked." Roll the footage!" I said signaling the backstage workers to play the recording.

The recording showed Roman talking on the phone to Paige. This was the conversation they had.

"Is everything ready for tonight?" Roman asked.

"Yes my crumpet, we're ready for tonight's attack. Our attacker has her ticket for tonight." Paige said.

"Remember not so rough this time. We're only trying to shake her up, not actually hurt her." Roman added.

"No you don't want her hurt, I could care less what happens to her. I don't understand why you don't feel the same. She chose Dean over you. Accept it." Paige said.

"Yeah like you've accepted Dean choosing Nevaeh over you?" Roman asked.

"I am over it. You see Dean will be around for his kid, he doesn't want it to have a fucked up upbringing like he had. I just enjoy the attacks because by hurting Nevaeh I'm hurting both of them." Paige said and that's when the footage ended.

"Jealously? I've been getting attacked because you can't fucking be a man and accept my choice. I chose Dean, I'm in love with Dean okay? I fucking love him. Get the hell over it. I will never love you." I said and that's when Roman was about to hit me but Dean pulled me away quick enough.

That's when Dean lost it, he launched himself at Roman and began delivering punch after punch. It wasn't long before Romans face was bleeding. Roman may of had the strength advantage but Dean was attacking him like a mad man." If you even so much as look at my fucking girl again, I will end you." Dean spat then kicked Roman as hard as he could where the sun don't shine before he walked over to me and kissed me deeply and possessively.

I was still shaking in anger and betrayal. I couldn't believe Roman would try to punch me. Even Deans kiss didn't calm me down. Instead I whispered something in his ear and he nodded. Dean slid out of the ring then came back and handed me a kendo stick.

"Have at it sweetheart." Dean said as him and Seth held Roman down so he couldn't escape. I let the darkness, pain and anger take over as I hit Roman restlessly with the kendo stick as hard as I could as he begged for mercy. I continued until the kendo stick broke in half. I was finally beginning to feel better when suddenly my head started spinning, my heartbeat increased and I was suddenly consumed by darkness as my body hit the mat with a loud thud as the boys called for a medic.

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