Chapter Fourteen ●

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{No POV}

Marinette, Adrien, Plagg, and Tikki looked at the contents in shock.

Marinette slowly pulled out the heart shaped locket that was far too small for a teen or a small child, but seemed perfect for a one or two year old baby.

So Marinette opened it gently and inside rested two pictures and two very tinily folded piece of paper.

On the left interior face of the locket rested a picture of a very young Marianne, no older than maybe 10 years old holding a small blubell eyed baby swaddled in a baby pink blanket with a big loving smile on her face and an overjoyed twinkle in her eyes as the baby held a similar twinkle in it's eyes.

Behind the two girls was a younger looking Sabine Dupain-Cheng with long hair looking disheveled and exhausted smiling lovingly and happily at the sight, hooked up to IVs but her hand was held lovingly by a younger looking Tom Dupain. In the background stood a smiling doctor and a nurse.

Marinette smiled as she caressed the picture gently with one finger.

"Hey Marinette... Look at this one." Adrien said softly in surprise turning her attention to the right face of the locket.

The picture there brought tears to Marinette's eyes, tears of both joy and confusion.

The picture was right in this very room that she was in right now, but it was in the past when it was very regally styled and the color scheme was red, gold, purple and blue with hints of black. In the photo a young 11 or 12 years old only the slightest bit older than the last picture they looked at, was laying in the bed in the middle of the room. IVs were set up in the room and she was hooked up to them. She looked pale and she looked barely strong enough to stay awake, but she was smiling happily, tears in her brightly and happily shining eyes. Next to her bed was a crib in which a one or two year old baby Marinette was standing on her feet shakily reaching out towards Marianne.

Suddenly Marinette heard a voice in her head as she looked at the picture.

' s-so..p-pretty... maman...' Rang a younger sounding version of Marianne's voice.

'She is minou... and I know you can hold out... why don't you?' Rang her mother's voice.

'B-because... t-the chances are.. so low Maman...I.. I could...' rang the voice again..

'Yes, flower, but you could also live better...' Rang her father's voice.

Suddenly the voices were gone and she could hear Adrien calling her.

"Marinette?" Questioned Adrien.

"I am okay..." Marinette answered closing the locket gently with a smile.

She then put the locket back in the box and opened one of the papers that had been in the locket.

'Little Monkey,

I don't know if I am alive or not as you read this. Because I am writing this from the hospital as I wait to go to into surgery. If I make it out of this... I hope that I can be around to see you grow into the amazing and wonderful woman I just know you will be... If I don't I hope that at least you can remember me smiling. Because you and maman and papa make me so happy I want to get up and dance. Even though I can't because of my health. I also hope that someday you find someone that will make you feel like Maman does about Papa. I don't understand it but it looks very nice and wonderful. Anyway, it looks like I only have five minutes left before I go in but, I noticed when you last came in that you liked to watch me draw designs so I figure that's going to be your thing so, with this letter I decided to leave my best design yet and leave it with this in your baby locket. Maman said I should just give it to you when I come out of this surgery but there's a good chance I won't come back out when I go in. So i hope that if you do become a designer that you can bring this dress to life if you ever get married however you want it to look like.

With love, Mari'

Marinette took a deep breath and smiled before passing the curious Adrien and the curious kwamis the letter and opening the other paper revealing a very detailed design.

It was gorgeous and so very her. The dress itself was white but it had beautiful red and black lace embroideries and it had a chinese touch to it that brought both of her heritages and the clashing of her personality traits all at once.

"It's beautiful Marinette... what do you think?"

"I think it's perfect sister knew who I was before I could ever even talk or remember and she showed it all in this design... I could work this when the time comes into maman's old wedding dress to turn it into my own wedding dress.. she thought of everything.. all before surgery." Marinette said with a smile.

Adrien smiled and hugged her gently.

That's when he noticed a manila thick file folder, and two small boxes.

"What's that folder?"

"Let's find out..." Said Marinette only to be stopped by a knock to her door as it opened to reveal her mother.

"Maman? What brings you up here?"

Sabine smiled at her daughter and opened the box in her hand.

"Your father and I never mentioned it because Marianne wanted to keep it a secret but she was very sickly. She was born prematurely and spent the first ten years of her life in and out of hospitals. Mostly having to undergo surgeries so she could continue living." Explained Sabine with a sad smile and a sigh as she sat down on the couch across from the teens.

"Why was she constantly needing surgeries?"

"She was originally a twin. But I was in an accident when I was only 5 and a half months along on my pregnancy. One of the fetuses died during the accident and harmed your sister. The fetus that died, died from a smashed head during impact and my placenta was broken during the accident so they had to operate and deliver your sister via c-section."

"Isn't that super dangerous?"

"Yes, but it was her only hope to make it into the world and I took it. Marianne was delivered well enough but she spent her first 10 months of life in a special incubator and hooked up to machines because her lungs and kidneys hadn't had enough time to fully develop..." Sabine said pulling out a photo album from the box.

"This is her baby book, we kept it hidden down in the cellar after she miraculously recovered from almost every single condition she had..." Sabine began to explain letting them sift through the pictures.

"When you were two years old we received the most terrifying news yet from her doctors, her body wasno longer responding to treatment for antibiotic treatment she was receiving for a severe cystic infection on her left lung. She needed surgery, they estimated that without it she would have only a bare 6 months before she would die from the cystic infection growing to cover the entire left lung."

"She got the surgery right? I mean... you make it sound like she didn't get the surgery..." Piped in Adrien concerned.

Sabine smiled a bit brighter at that.

"Don't worry Adrien, she had the surgery, but she died two times during the operation. She hadn't wanted to have it at first either and the hospital tried to assume she was depressed and suicidal and that was why she didn't want the surgery but that wasn't the reason. The sad truth was that the surgery was a very riky procedure. If she took it, which she did, there was a 65% chance she could die during surgery." Explained Sabine.

"But she made it out right?"

"Yes, but only in a coma. So we visited her everyday until the day you were born when she somehow got well enough that she came out of the coma, and was able to with much difficulty move around for a bit and talk and sing and laugh. It was wonderful and she light up wonderfully when she met you and saw you. Even held you. The doctors had started to loose hope on your sister until you came into the world and she became miraculously better." Said Sabine with a soft smile.

Marinette and Adrien were shocked unsure of what to say.

"There was another thing that happened that day as well... your sister was doodling a drawing of us and you laughed for the very first time, which made you tired. When you yawned Marianne started humming and you fell asleep soundly after a few minutes. You girls bonded so quickly, it was unbelievable." Sabine explained.

"You were the reason Marianne found her love of singing." Sabine finished.


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