Falling Dreams

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                              Falling Dreams:

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Falling Dreams:

Finally, we met up. You looked different from the last time we saw each other. But you still look perfect. We went out for some lunch then ice cream.

When I'm in my bed when it's midnight. My eyes start to shut down when there's a count down when I knock out. 1,2,3,4,5,6 then I start to sleep.

I keep getting what I considered nightmares, falling dreams, I'm sitting on a swing in a park, but then you're pushing me back and forth. Then suddenly you push me far too much where I'm falling off the seat from the swing, then I slowly feel life and the full blast of energy then my soul is straight outta my body then I awaken and jumped out of my sleep as if I'd fallen in startling speed.

There are nights where I can't let go of the feeling slowly, the air I can feel the oxygen. It's breezy.

When I'm in my bed when it's midnight. My eyes start to shut down when there's a count down when I knock out. 1,2,3,4,5,6 then I start to sleep.

I keep getting what I considered nightmares, falling dreams, I'm sitting on a swing in a park, but then you're pushing me back and forth. Then suddenly you push me far too much where I'm falling off the seat from the swing, then I slowly feel life and the full blast of energy then my soul is straight outta my body then I awaken and jumped out of my sleep as if I'd fallen in startling speed.

The last recent night I had a dream. You were there once with me again. ~J.G~ Instead I wasn't alone you were there. We both jumped down emerald green stairs. The amazing feeling of the fresh air blows. Our hands touching together.

As a second passes by I awaken. I break into an unbreakable smile. I'm happy. Because of that falling dream. I'm finally happy. I'm starting to catch feelings for you again ~J.G~ because of those falling dreams.

Written/Lyrics By: Branden Rodriguez

      Written/Lyrics By: Branden Rodriguez

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