Innocence (Paperfresh)

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(a/n: Some key facts in this story. Gradient and Pj are brothers. Fresh and Error aren't brothers but someone like Fresh was in Error's childhood. Pj has a crush on Fresh.)

Paperjam's POV

I was sitting on the couch in our living room watching tv when I heard a knock on the door. I got up and walked to the front door when I saw mom looking out of the kitchen with curiosity. I heard another knock and opened the door to reveal Gradient and Mr. Fresh. I blushed a subtle magenta and invited them in. Mom saw who it was and went back into the kitchen, probably to finish cooking. "Are you two going to stay for dinner?" mom asked them. "Of course I will, mom." Gradient said and I smiled at him since he hasn't visited for a while. "Sure broski. I'd love to stay for some rad dinner with your rad fam." Mr. Fresh said and I blushed unnoticeably again. "Ok well dinner will be ready in a few if you want to watch some tv with Pj." mom said as he made more food for the two new additions.

I sat on the couch and started to watch the tv again when Gradient sat on the right of me and Mr. Fresh on the left of me. I blushed a bit but focused on my show as much as possible hoping dinner wouldn't take much longer. "Dinner is ready." mom said after about 20 minutes and I got up to walk to the dinning room. The other two stayed on either side of me and I started to feel uncomfortable but pushed the feeling away. I saw dad coming down the stairs to join us and didn't notice the two by my side yet. We sat down with Mr. Fresh next to me and Gradient at the head of the table next to me. Dad finally noticed the other two and said, "Hey it's good to see you again, Gradient. Fresh, what are you doing here again?" I looked between the three of them and wondered why dad hated Mr. Fresh so much. "I wanted to see my rad homeslice again, broski. How you've been, Jamster?" Mr. Fresh asked me.

I blushed and looked at my hands, "I've been great how have the two of you been though?" "I've been great but I'm better now that I'm hear with my family again." Gradient said with a look in his eye but I don't know what the look was. "I've been doing great broski. I love hanging with you more tho, Jamster." Mr. Fresh said with the same look and I looked to my food in confusion. 'What is that look they are giving me?' I thought as I ate my food. Mom glared at them a bit but went back to eating like he did nothing which just confused me even more. After we ate I decided to help mom with the cleaning and followed him to the kitchen with the dirty dishes. "Thanks sweetie but you don't have to help me." mom told me as I placed the plates in the sink. "I know but I was wondering a few things and was hoping you could help me?" I asked mom and she smiled at me. "Of course I'll help you. What's on your mind?" mom asked as she started to run water.

"Well for starters, could you tell me why dad hates Mr. Fresh so much?" I asked. "Well your father doesn't like Fresh because of something from his childhood. Fresh just reminds him of that moment too much. I wish he didn't take it out on Fresh though." mom said as she handed me a plate to place in the dishwasher. "Makes sense. Um... could you tell me why you glared at both Gradient and Mr. Fresh at dinner?" I asked a bit afraid of the answer. "Well I didn't like how they were looking at you so I gave them a warning glare to not try anything. Gradient may very well be my son but that doesn't excuse him from my warnings. Same goes for you." Mom said as she handed me another plate. "Ok mom. I understand." I said with a shiver down my spine from the warning for the future, "Last question. What were the looks they were giving me?" "Awe. Please stay my sweet cinnamon roll for as long as possible." mom said as he gave me a hug. "I'll try but you didn't answer my question." I said as we went back to finishing the dishes.

"Well. They looked at you with love." mom said as he handed me the last dish. "Well of course they looked at me with love. Gradient is my brother and Mr. Fresh is my best friend." I said with a big innocent smile. "*sigh* They looked at you not as a brother or friend. They looked at you as something more than that." mom said as he hugged me again. "I don't understand." I said as I hugged him back. "I know sweetie." he said and let me go. I went to the living room where the others were and started to watch the tv again. I felt like I was being stared at so I looked to my side and saw both Gradient and Mr. Fresh looking at me with that look again. I turned back to the tv and tried to ignore them but it started to bother me even more. I saw mom and went over to him whispering to him. "they're staring at me again. I don't like it." "Awe sweetie. Don't worry, I'll protect you." mom said as she hugged me to calm me.

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