Insane (Errink)

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(a/n: I apologize if this seems rushed. I've been accidently putting my writing off until last minute and I regret it. I hope it still turns out alright and don't be afraid to request some stories. Also let me know if you want me to add the upload dates to my chapters. Just something I've been thinking about anyways bye for now.)

Error's POV

I was stuck in the anti-void and I heard some voices. I tried to find where they are but didn't see anyone around. I was the only one here so I thought it was my imagination until I kept hearing them. They wouldn't shut up and I started to lose my mind. They kept telling me destroy the AU's and I didn't know what they were talking about. After a month I found out how to open portals to the different AU's. I destroyed every AU I went to and collected all the human souls from each one. I ran into the protector of the AU's after destroying about a dozen of them. We fought every time we met and became enemies. I also noticed that he always had a sash full of vials but I didn't know what was in those vials.

Ink's POV

I woke up with no memories and no emotions. I was in a white landscape with no purpose and no where to go. I noticed that my bone had black swirls and I had white clothes on. I waited in that white space for something to happen with suddenly a yellow liquid came out of no where. I felt happy and played in the yellow ink until it disappeared and I was reduced to emotionless again. This process happened with every color for different emotions. Blue was sad, green was jealousy, red was anger, orange was excitement, purple was curiosity, and pink was love. I didn't like losing the feelings that I gained so I made some vials to collect the colors when they appear again. I also made some new clothes for myself with a sash to hold the vials. After collect the colors and securing them I tried to find a way out of the white space because I started to despise it. I made it to a yellowish space with papers floating around. the papers had drawings of different universes and I decided to call it the doodlesphere. After about a dozen of them suddenly disappeared I decided I would protect the other AU's from the unknown force. I met Error and we fought each other every time we met and I drank some of my vials before meeting him.

I met Error in a black space and started to fight him. He ran to me and startled me but I was able to block his attack. He showed me all the souls he collected from the destroyed AU's and laughed at his work. I grabbed my red vial and thought over what I was about to do as my emotions were disappearing again. I drank the ink and felt my teeth get sharper. The only thing on my mind was to kill and Error looked at me wondering what I was doing. I ran at him and shocked him but he ended up blocking my attack as well. I splashed him with black paint and he dodge but I could tell he had difficulty doing so. As the fight progressed I could feel my pinpricks disappear and hate leaving my eye sockets. I got Error a couple of times and he has got me a few times so we had blood dripping from our wounds. I could feel my anger disintegrating and looked at my color options.

Error's POV

I was getting tired since we have been fighting for a while. I saw Ink's eyes fading into an emotionless look and he was looking at his sash. I looked to his sash and saw that he didn't have a lot of red so I figured he would go for another color. I don't know what the colors mean to him though so I was a bit afraid of them. "What's wrong Ink?" I teased him. He looked at me then back to his sash, "Just pick one and let's do this already." I yelled. He grabbed his pink vial and drank some of it, "Shit. I didn't mean to grab that one." he mumbled. I gave him a confused look and saw his pinpricks turn into hearts. "Ink? What are you doing?" I asked him but he just dropped broomie and walked towards me. "Ink?" I was getting a bit worried. "Error~" I shivered at his voice and tried to stay away from him. "I love you, Error~ Let me show you my love~" "Ink! What is going on with you?" I asked as I sat on my strings hanging from the ceiling and out of his reach. "Come down from there Error~ I want to show you something~" I shivered again and yelled, "NO!"

After about an hour or two of Ink trying to get to me I noticed his eyes going back to that emotionless look and gave a sigh of relief. Ink must of noticed too and look for a different color to go for. He drank his yellow and blue vials and I saw his pinpricks go to his famous yellow star and blue oval. "Error. Could you come down. I need to explain what just happened to you." He said with happiness. I slowly came down but kept my distance in case something happens. He explained his vials and what emotion each color represents. "So why do you have the vials in the first place and where do you get the colors?" I asked since he didn't say anything about why he had them. "The colors refill over time as long as I have a few drops in the vial. As for the reason why I need them, well...." He hesitated. "Well what?" I asked him. "I need them to have emotions because I don't have a soul of my own." He said as he looked to the floor.

I let it sink in and was shocked. "You can fear me now if you wish. Everyone who knows already fear me so not a lot of people know." He said as he hugged his knees. "How are you alive?" I couldn't help asking him. He seemed to shrink a bit at that. "I honestly don't know but I have a small memory of me pulling out my own soul and destroying it. That's all I can remember on my own so I guess in exchange for my life I can't remember a lot of things." He said looking a bit more sad. I felt bad and ignored my haphephobia to comfort him as best as I could. He leaned into the hug I gave him as I rubbed his back. He seemed to cheer up a bit and said, "Thanks Error." I felt my haphephobia reaching its limits so I let Ink go and said, "Sure. Anytime Ink."

Ink's POV

I smiled at that and waved to Error, "Bye Error. See you again." I think we made a brake through today just wish it was over something else. After that day I noticed that Error didn't destroy AU's anymore and we met up in Outertale a lot. He started to hug me more and gradually got longer as well. "Hey Error?" I asked on one of our meet ups. "Yes Ink?" He answered as he looked at the stars. "What do you think of me?" I looked at him for a reaction. He flinched and turned towards me, "Why do you ask?" "I was wondering. So, what do you think?" I asked again. "Well I think you are a great friend." He said but I saw his eyes look a bit sad at what he said. I wondered why he was sad and I could feel myself be a bit sad as well. "Oh." I said with a bit of disappointment, "But why do you seem sad with your answer?" He flinched again, "Well you seem sad at my answer too." I chuckled a bit, "Sure Error." I thought about his reactions and noticed he was a bit nervous as well. Then it hit me on why he was like this. "You like me, don't you?" he flinched, "You like a soulless, emotionless being." I laughed at bit. "No I don't." He said as he covered his face with his scarf. "You so totally do." I laughed a bit more. "NO I DON'T! SHUT UP ALREADY!" he yelled and stood up.

I shut up and watched him start to walk away. "Error wait!" I yelled after him. "WHAT INK!" he yelled in anger. "I like you too." I said quietly. "What?" he asked as he started to calm down. "I like you too" I said louder so he could hear me. He stayed quite and I started to panic that I messed up again. I opened a portal and started to run into it. "Ink wait." he yelled at me but it was too late as I was in the doodlesphere already. I started crying and mumbling, "I just mess everything up. I don't even know why I'm alive. I have no soul anyways." I kept mumbling to myself and didn't hear a portal open. Error walked out of the portal and saw me crying and walked over to me, "Ink, why did you run away?" I wiped my tears away and looked at him, "I thought you didn't like me anymore because I made fun of you." "I didn't mean to scare you like that I was just shocked that you liked me." he said as he hugged me again. I leaned into the hug and said "I love you Error." "I love you too, Ink." Error said and kissed my foreskull, We stayed in the hug for a while and fell asleep in each others arms. We didn't know that Dream and Blue came into the doodlesphere and saw the entire interaction between us as they started silently screaming like fangirls.

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