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Louise's pov-

I woke up stretching and heard a loud bang coming from down stairs.

"What the heck?" I whispered.

I grabbed my jacket as it was kind of cold since I left my window open the whole night and ran downstairs kind of worried. A door slammed and I turned around to see my mum sitting on the floor holding her knees and crying.

"Umm mum...mum are you okay?!" I asked trying to keep her calm.

"I'm ... Ffff..fine" she said...well tried to say.

I stood up slowly and walked over to a broken lamp laying on the floor and I picked it up, it was the one we kept in our living room.

I then realized that it was my step dad Jarrod, he hurt my mum... Again. He seriously has anger problems.

I ran to the front door "Stay away from us, you ruin our family!!!"

He just sped down the road and I ran inside angry.

"Mum this time he has gone too far!" I half yelled.

My mum looked up staring at me, I saw a black circle forming around my mum's eye. He hit her with the lamp in her eye!

"No its okay, Go to school I'll sort it out" she said

"Its not okay mum, he hurt you again, I'm gonna call the police" I answered.

"No don't, he will just come back and hurt us again, please don't" She said again.

"Okay, if that's what you want" I said and ran to the fridge and grabbed an Up-And-Go and a ice pack for my mum.

"I'm gonna go upstairs to get ready"I mumbled.

"Okay thanks for helping me"

Me and my mum didn't have a strong relationship, well we did when I was younger but now she is with Jarrod, hopefully she will divorce him cause he has hurt her enough already.

I ran up stairs getting ready for another shitty day with the people who bully the crap out of me and learning. Sound fun doesn't it?

I got changed into some black skinny jeans and my black rolling-stones top and black jumper. I then put on my purple converse, grabbed my back pack and said bye to my mum. I had my iPod in my pocket and listened to some music on the way to school.


Louises Pov-

I arrived at school and walked to my locker until I felt a cold hand on my shoulder turning me around and pushing me into my locker.

"What's for lunch?" A similar voice demander.

"Hi Harry" I said rolling my eyes.

"I never said hi, I said what's for lunch bitch!?" He demanded.

"I don't have lunch, I'm fat enough, I don't need lunch to fatten me up more do I?" I stuttered.

I caught a glimpse of Niall, he looked guilty. No he couldn't be, could he?

They walked away and left me there having to pick up my books.

Why me? Just why? I asked my self over and over again..

In class everyone was throwing paper at me by the demands of Harry.

I just ignored them. I heard rude remarks coming from one side of the class."look how fat she is" "I know,she is so ugly" "she needs plastic surgery"

"She's actually physically not fat" said a Irish voice.

We all stared at Niall, even me.

Harry looked discussed "What the heck man?"

"I'm just saying that physically she's not fat at all actually..."

Harry stopped him in his tracks. "Do you like being in our group?"

"Yes" he answered confidently.

"Do you still want to be in our group?" Harry asked.

"Y..yes" Niall stumbled.

"Then what is Louise?'He asked.

"F...fat" Niall said.

I was disappointed and insecure, I thought someone would finally stick up for me. I was wrong.


Another school day went by pretty fast and as soon as the bell went, I was ready to get out of this crappy school.

I was ready to go home, eat, read and sleep.

I walked to the rest rooms to check my hair, at lunch Louis ( Harry's friend) put something in my hair and I wasn't sure what it was.

I looked in the mirror, someone was in the toilet behind me.

In the mirror I saw hot pink heals, it was Annabelle.... Great.

I quickly checked my hair and swore under my breath. "GUM! SHIT! HE PUT GUM IN MY HAIR!" I said out loud not meaning to.

I heard a flush and saw Annabelle strolling out of the toilet cell.

"Hi there bitch, you have something in your hair".

"I know, I'm not stupid"

"Well..." she said pushing me out of the way, "No your not stupid... Your really stupid" she finished.

"Thanks for the nice comment." I muttered sarcastically.

"No problem, now get out of my way" She pushed me and I fell, she flicked her blonde hair and winked at me.

'That bitch' I thought to myself.

I helped myself up, and fixed my shirt and walked out.

I had a sharp pain on my hip.

'Just a stitch' I thought to myself.

I quickly pulled up my my shirt slightly and looked around making sure no one saw.

'Nope not a stitch....'

It was a big purple\blue bruise sitting on my hip, not lonely though, it was joined by cuts..... :(

Yes, I am depressed... Sadly.

"Who cares anyway" I said out loud, not knowing that I said it loudly.

"What w..was that on your h..hip?" I hear a strong voice stutter behind me.

I turned around and saw Harry Styles standing there.

"U...umm I thought no one was looking when I lifted my" I sighed.

"I was in the classroom speaking to Mr. H when I came out and saw a br....bruise and something else."

"What was it?" He asked.

"Go away Harry, you don't care, you hate me!" I half shouted as we walked down the corridors of the school.

Silence filled the corridors.

He finally turned around and probably gave up, I knew that he didn't care...

Keep reading my book!

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