17 - The Fight

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Bethany's P.O.V

When I got back I found Mr-Creepy-Stare also known as Dan was on the floor.

Connor, whose back was facing me, was standing in front of him, his fists balled together.

No way.. could it be?

Just then, Dan got up and punched Connor in the face.

Connor didn't fall to the ground but it was a hard hit.

By now, everyone was staring. Even the music stopped playing.

I rushed forward when Connor suddenly hit Dan back.


Dan stumbled backwards and was then leaning on the wall behind him, his lip bleeding badly.

The crowd gasped.

Dan wiped away the blood, angry.

He lunched forward to attack Connor when one guy ran forward and help him back.

Another guy, who seemed to be related to the guy who was holding Dan back, rushed forward as well, but to Connor instead.

The guy with Dan was still holding his hand that was in the air, and was talking to him, as if to tell him to stop.

The guy with Connor was holding onto his shoulders and also talking to him, very calmly.

People in the room started to whisper and talk, obviously pointing fingers.

I rushed forward to Connor.

B: "Connor!"

Connor turned around.

His cheek was red and he looked so angry his eyes were almost changing color.

He brushed his friend's hands off his shoulders upon seeing me.

C: "Beth..."

B: "Con!"

He suddenly grabbed and embraced me.

B: "Con are you okay?"

C: "My cheek is burning and so is my heart but I think I'm fine."

He said through the hug.

We hugged for a while more.

While hugging him, I could see Dan behind him, who was staring straight at me scarily. He glare was filled with fury. His lip was still bleeding and there were more people surrounding him now.

There was some around Connor too.

Just then, I felt anger rise through me suddenly.


He promised me.

He promised me he wouldn't fight with anyone... especially since I know him.

I pulled away from him.

He seemed to have calm down now, but his cheek was still visibly red.

I grabbed him by the arm.

"We have to get out of here."

I said lowly.

I dragged him out of the house, and when I let go, you could see his hand was very red.

Oops. I must held him too hard.

Connor must have noticed my face then.

C: "What's wrong Beth?"

B: "What do you mean what's wrong?! I come here with you to have some fun and then you... forget it."

I growled.

I opened up the car door, lightly shoving him.

"Get in."

He did as I said and I got into the driver's seat.

He wasn't drunk but he drank 2 cans of beer so I drove instead.

C: "Wow. I didn't know you could drive."

He laughed akwardly, trying to save the strange atmosphere.

I glared at him in reply, to show him I didn't want to talk.

He realised, because he shut up after that.

I continued driving, anger still bubbling inside me.

Connor broke his promise...

He failed me.

🌈 Hey guys!
Heres Chapter 16.

Yes I know, very fast update. I just updated yesterday!
But get used to it, because as I said, exams are over for me!

Sorry it's really short! I didn't wanna make it long.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter though.

I'll see you guys! Bye!

Remember to follow Bethany and Connor on Instagram - @bethanynoelm & @connorfranta.

Also follow @KarishmaN. Read her story and leave her votes and likes! It'll be appreciated!

That's all, bye ☺️😋

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