Chapter 5

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                                                                              A p r i l

"Just because you don't like people doesn't mean we can't!" Kitty scorned Leigh. She stood at a mirror in their room, tying back her ginger hair with a purple ribbon. Leigh sat behind her on the large bed that they shared, her ankles and arms crossed. She scowled at Kitty. 

"I like people, I have friends!" She snarled. "I just don't like Henry, and I can imagine his father isn't so pleasant either." Truth be told, Leigh didn't truly know why she despised Henry. It might have been because she thought at boys his age were stupid, or maybe that he teased her back bravely, unlike some people. 

Kitty sighed and set down her arms. 

"Name them."

"Name what?"

"You're friends." Kitty used her fingers to stretch out the wrinkles on the skirt of her white and yellow dress. It had a laced trim and a huge sash with a bow that hung to her knees. She smiled at it fondly, then turned around to Leigh. Leigh had to think for a second. "Go on. Who is it?"

"Well, there's... there's..." She mumbles the last part. Suddenly her eyebrows shot up. "Oh! There are Clara and Lindy and-"

"My friends, Leigh, those are mine!" Kitty snapped, finally turning away from the mirror, her curls gliding in the air behind her. Leigh huffed. "Name your friends." 

There was silence, for just a few moments or so, as the sisters stared at each other. Leigh opened her mouth to protest, but nothing came out. She really did have no friends. But what good are they? She argued in her mind. I have Kitty and Helen and I don't really need tons of friends. 

"Whatever," She groaned. "I don't need a bunch of friends like you, because I have an imagination!" Kitty was highly insulted by this, an offended gasp escaping her mouth. 

"I do have an imagination, I'm just more friendly than you!" 

"No, you just need other people's approval!" 

"I-" Kitty stopped. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, gently clasping her hands together. "It doesn't matter if you have friends or not, Leigh," Her soft, forgiving voice made Leigh suddenly uncomfortable. She hated when Kitty could just forget an argument like that. It seemed inhuman. "You just need to try to ... I don't know, be kind?" She sat down next to her on the bed. 

"Well, it was still tedious how you kept this from me. I don't really prefer you not telling me when we're having people over." Leigh mumbled as she played with the lace of the dress her mother made her put on earlier. "I hate secrets." 

Kitty grunted under her breath, agreeing with the last statement. 

"You'll understand soon." She whispered so quietly it barely escaped her throat. Leigh heard some of this, however, and her eyes quickly shot to her sister. 

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing, I'm just excited to serve pie tonight." Kitty smiled so brightly and innocently that Leigh, who knew there was something she was still hiding, decided to wait until dinner to see what was going on. After all, they couldn't keep this secret for long. 


Later that evening the girls helped their mother and father in the kitchen. They skinned and boiled carrots, mashed a bowl of potatoes, and their father prepared the roast. Once all the food was done, their mother put the pie into the oven. 

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