Chapter 7

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                                                                      J u n e

Henry Halred

He sat in the schoolhouse at his regular seat, the laces from his coat intertwined in his fingers. His mind was swirling with a whole galaxy of unexplored thoughts as he stared off into the distance. His friends around him were clamoring in conversation, but he couldn't hear them. 

It was a game he played often, that he'd escape into his mind palace and block out reality. He didn't do it often around people, but he would sometimes when he felt bored or unsocial. 

"Mud-pie." Silas whispered to him from his desk, tossing a piece of rolled-up paper onto the top of his ruffled brown curls. Henry looked up with big eyes at his blonde friend, who was watching his reaction carefully. He picked up the ball of paper that had fell on his desk and chucked it back at him. 

"Silas, how dare you interrupt me." He teased, sneering at him. Silas chuckled under his breath and leaned in. His desk was right next to Henry's. 

"I'm sorry, sire, I just have a burning question that I can't bear to keep to myself." He quipped, mocking a Brittish accent. 

"Tell me, good friend."

"Three simple words, Henry. How. is. she?" He spaced the three words. Henry immediately knew what he meant. His eyes rolled to the top of his head and he brushed back his hair, a habit of his. Kitty. He was talking about Kitty. Why was that all everyone discussed now? Sure, it was exciting news, but it had been over a month since they announced it. Everyone became giddy at the idea, especially since they never saw it coming. To be honest, Henry never saw it coming either. 

"Shut up." He moaned, turning in his seat to face the front of the room. Mr. Handon was still setting up before the lessons. It was about five minutes to class time. 

"Tellll meeee." Silas stretched out his voice. Henry ignored him and started to finger through the pages in his book. After being ignored for a few moments, Silas reached out and tugged on one of Henry's locks of hair. 


"Tell me, please. I'm dying with curiosity." He groaned, cocking his head to watch his friend's facial expression. Henry blinked slowly. "What, afraid to talk about her?" 

"No..." Henry sighed, his head hanging forward. Silas rolled his eyes and turned away as well. 

"Fine. Don't tell me. I'll just ask Kitty." He whispered, smiling to himself. Henry's eyes shot up at him, twice their size. He shook his head. 

"What - no. Why would you do that?" He panicked. Silas' smile grew on his face, and he pretended to look through his book as well. 

"Kitty will tell me everything."

"Don't you dare." In Henry's head it was supposed to sound intimidating, but out loud it sounded like a helpless beg. He didn't want anyone asking Kitty. He felt so embarrassed about the whole situation most of the time. He also knew that if he asked Kitty, she would want to know why he was asking and he would tell her that Henry was too scared to say anything. Boy, would that crush her? He felt like she was obsessed with him sometimes. The way she looked at him... not that he shamed her for it. She was just... blinded. She didn't know the real him. If she knew where he came from, she would turn away from him. Not that that would be... nevermind. 

Henry swiped the room with his eyes to see if he could spot Kitty. There she was, two rows ahead on the right, at her usual desk next to Leigh. He sighed to himself. I hope she gets over me. I hope she changes her mind and doesn't go through with it. The thoughts running through his mind were interrupted by Mr. Handon tapping a ruler on his desk. 

"We will now begin classes. Open your English books to page fifty-seven." Henry removed his eyes from Kitty's back and looked down at his desk. He truly hoped that the arrangement would fall through... he couldn't go on like this. But he had to. If it did go through, he would marry Kitty and give her children and live with her in his house forever. He would be a businessman, like his father, and sit all day in an office or at a bank. He would do everything his father did... but not exactly everything. No, he would be a better person. Just because he was being forced into marriage, doesn't mean he wouldn't be a good person. He might not have loved Kitty as she loved him, but he would try. 


                                                                                        Kitty and Leigh Marlow

After Mr. Handon finished the last lesson, nearly five hours later, the children began to collect their books and coats. Kitty stood from her desk and picked up her books, putting them in the crook of her arm as she primped her curls. She looked over in Henry's direction. He was talking to some of his friends, laughing. She smiled brightly. There was nothing as beautiful as his laugh. 

She felt Leigh tap her shoulder. 

"What?" She asked, turning around. 

"Are you done with your stare-fest?" Leigh shot a glare in Henry's direction while she spoke. Kitty's eyes narrowed at her and she pointed her nose up. 

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Yes, you do."

"No. Come along, now." Kitty hurried across the school room floor, Leigh dragging her feet behind her. 

"Stop doing that Kitty!" She groaned when they got to the coat room. Kitty ignored her and shoved her arms through her coat. "Kitty!"

"What? I'm not doing anything." She broke, then after looked around to make sure she didn't draw anyone's attention. Leigh grunted and shook her head. 

"Yes you are."


"You lie, ignore me, and you try to change the subject on me." Leigh huffed, then tried to catch up with her sister who was quickly fleeing the schoolhouse. When she exited she felt the warm air of mid-June hit her, and she wondered why on Earth she brought a coat. Kitty felt it too, and moved around the collar of her dress to let air onto her neck. "See, you're ignoring me again." Kitty faced her sister ready to defend herself, but they were interrupted. 

"Are you coming to the lake after school?" Clara, the freckled blonde, asked in a chirpy voice. Kitty instantly threw away her scowl and replaced it with a sweet smile. Leigh didn't smile, but her anger had subsided. 

"Of course!" Kitty replied, and Clara grinned and walked away. 

"Wait, we are? Did mother say we could?" Leigh questioned, annoyance in her voice. Kitty sighed. 

"Yes, Leigh. Don't complain one more bit."


"No! Socialization is good for you! Besides, don't you want to see the lake?" Kitty took control of the situation much better than either of them had thought she would. Leigh rubbed her forehead. She didn't want to go to some stupid lake with a bunch of people, but she knew it would mean the world to Kitty. Ugh, why are we so different? Why can't we just both hate people? Then a thought crept inside Leigh's mind. Oh...

"Will Henry be there?" Leigh added in, watching Kitty's face turn frustrated. She turned away. 

"Yes, but it doesn't matter. We're going." 

Leigh grumbled under her breath, leaning her head back as she followed her sister. Of course, this is why she wants to go. That boy has taken over our lives! 


So yeah, this chapter sucks. I haven't been writing at all, but I thought I'd post this just so you know I'm alive. I promise the chapters will get better.

- M

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