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kihyun suddenly felt a stinging pain in his left index finger. his eyes quickly landed on the hurt spot. he accidentally cut himself.

"ah- dammit. stupid idiot." he said in a whisper, but quickly lifted his right hand to cover up his mouth again. since he hadn't had any bandaids in this moment and it bled quite a lot actually, he just rinsed the wound off with cold water, hissing at the stinging pain. then he took a kitchen towel, wrapping it around his finger and putting pressure on it, so that the bleeding would stop. the pain held on for some more minutes with kihyun still silently cursing about himself, until he didn't feel it anymore. a little while later, when the soup was finally done, he put the pot on the table, following after two bowls, chopsticks for the noodles and spoons for the soup in general. he added two cans of pepsi cola beside it and then headed towards the bed to wake changkyun up.

kihyun felt bad for waking up the younger up but he also knew that he needed to eat something. he already almost collapsed the day before, since he didn't even eat breakfast that day and now that he was sick, he at least had to eat a bit to get better. kihyun himself had to eat something too, so he slowly approached the younger, sitting right next to him on the bed.

"kyunnie? hey, baby. wake up. we need to eat something." kihyun's soft voice eventually woke the younger up, after the lids of his eyes were opening and closing a few times before.

"mh..?" changkyun let out a light, sleepy hum in response.

"i'm sorry to wake you up kyun, but you have to eat something. you may feel even worse when you wake up without eating for almost 20 hours. i made some soup for us. it should help you get a bit better as well."

"wait hyung? what are you doing here..? and what time is it..?" changkyun asked, still half asleep.

"it's about one in the morning."

"what? why aren't you sleeping yet? you need rest too, hyung."

"i'm good. don't worry, kyun. come on now, the soup's getting cold." then, the both of them got up, changkyun going to the bathroom before eating to refresh himself a little and kihyun sat down at the table, pouring soup in both of their bowls.

"hyung, what happened to your- oh my god! is it bleeding? what happened? are you oka-" changkyun started coughing badly.

"hey, hey, hey. shh.. calm down, kyunnie. that's not good for your throat." kihyun said as he latted the younger's back a little. "and don't worry about that, you should rather worry about your health, changkyun. here, drink something." he added and changkyun did what he was told.

"but what happened there?" he asked again. now more calm, while he was taking kihyun's hand into his own, slowly stroking over the in kitchen-towel-wrapped finger.

"i accidentally cut my finger while i was preparing the soup. and since i didn't had any bandaids nearby, i just wrapped it up like that."

"oh, hyung.." changkyun seemed worried. "but look, it's still bleeding. it seems to be quite deep."

"it's not that bad, kyun. don't worry, okay?." he chuckled, admiring how the younger could be so selfless.

"i have bandaids in my bag! and some disinfectant spray! i will treat that after we're done eating, yeah?" kihyun couldn't help but giggle again at the maknae's cuteness.

"what?" the younger pouted.

"nothing, now eat up." kihyun said and just after that, they simply enjoyed their meal, changkyun feeling a lot better after. it did work.

 it did work

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