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"hyung, lay down and be comfortable.. you'll have a backache." changkyun said quietly as he approached kihyun who slowly opened his eyes, groaning softly at how tired he was.

"kyun? where were you?" he asked sleepily, looking up at the maknae, who was now sitting on the bed besides him.

"i was nowhere, hyung. now just lay down and sleep." changkyun sounded kind of sad, disappointed almost.

"changkyun, are you okay?" kihyun's voice filled with worry again, but he was a lot wider awake now.

"yes, hyung. now lay down and rest more." he said, standing up from the bed after he covered kihyun with the blanket who was now laying in the bed, not really knowing how to respond.

"where are you going? it's late.."

"i feel disgusting, i'm going to take a shower. sleep, kihyun." now the younger sounded annoyed and somewhat hurt, but kihyun didn't want to make him angry, so ye decided to shut up even though he had no idea why he was reacting like that. kihyun noticed that of course and he felt sorry. he felt like it was his fault and he clearly could hear the coldness in the younger's voice directed at him. he wanted to wait for changkyun to come back, but his exhaustion took over. he fell asleep again only twenty minutes later. meanwhile changkyun took fresh clothes out of his suitcase and then headed to the bathroom. he wasn't annoyed, he was just a bit hurt from getting to know that kihyun lied to him by saying that he ate something, when he actually didn't. it is not necessarily because he lied to him, it's just that changkyun felt guilty and that's why he was acting like this. apparently kihyun didn't eat anything and he blamed himself for that. if he had only answered the texts earlier, kihyun wouldn't have been so worried and probably would've eaten something, knowing their maknae was fine. in all of this, changkyun was just angry at himself. he was so tired of being the reason for everything going wrong. he was so tired of burdening them like this and he hated himself for it. more than that, he couldn't do anyways so that seemed to be the one thing for him to work without causing problems for someone else. and now, he was in the shower not able to think about anything else other than his hyungs. he didn't see all of them together in quite long time. usually they would spend their days together, all together, but because of his cold he was told to stay away from them so that they won't get sick. changkyun understood and surely did, because he didn't want his hyungs to get sick as well, but the fact to know that they had their fun without him, made him feel a bit sad. and on top of that, all of was in boston.
the city he lived in for three, almost four years when he was a child. he planned a long time ago to visit his childhood house and some of his favorite places again if they'd come here for a concert but now he missed his chance because he got sick. he caught a stupid cold and spent most of his time in the hotel room. considering that, he was really happy that kihyun was with him almost 24/7 even though he actually wasn't allowed to. but him just being there and preferring to spend his time taking care of  him, it actually meant so much. kihyun was always one who enjoyed going overseas and exploring other countries, especially the USA and that he'd rather stay in the hotel and make sure that the younger was okay, knowing that, it warmed his heart.

kihyun didn't care about anything but him and changkyun was so thankful for that.

kihyun didn't care about anything but him and changkyun was so thankful for that

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