Tinkers lovely assistant(Runaan X fem. Moonshadow elf reader)

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A/N: this story is requested by @Shadow_MoonshadowElf,I hope this is to your liking, I am so sorry in advance that I published this late, I just started college. I may be busier now but it doesn't mean that i will stop writing for you guys, I will never stop writing. now if saying I miss you wasn't enough, shall we get into the missing story?

3rd pov: Y/n is one of the most interesting elves you will ever meet, Her village was a well known community, mainly for the moonshadow rituals that they tend to make, as for Y/n though, she is one of the descendants of the dragon guard, and also a mage in the making, She is a scholar into the college of Xadian magic, even though the campus of this is under the watchful eye of the queen of the dragons, all of her classes remain off the campus itself. as a part time worker for Tinker, a known sunfire elf, she also works with wepondary magic, and that was how she first met one of the six assasins sent to the human kingdoms before he left, Runaan. as this was still a land under the rule of the dragon king himself, Y/n has gotten to know common and uncomon elves that stopped by Tinkers shop. but lo and behold, Runaan was the one she admired the most. But the question remains, does Runaan have feelings towards youthful y/n?

Y/n's pov:' Today is another day i shall work hard to becoming a master magician weapons smith, as well as keep up upon my study to becoming a mage to make my parents of the dragon guard proud.' I thought to myself as I get ready for todays lesson with weapon forging and enchantment. As I left my house, I smelled the savory smell of moonberry pies in the air, I went to greet the baker. "hello Nonel, I see you still make those savory pies that we all love and adore  as usual, yes?" "hello, Y/n, indeed, but this time, the festival of the full moon is today, I added icecream ontop of my pies to celebrate, would you like to have some?" Nonel asked, making an offer i couldnt refuse, hence my empty stomach yearning for something savory yet sweet. "yes I would like that very much." i replied taking a slice with Icecream ontop, topped with a few freshly washed moonberries. "thankyou, come again and enjoy your pie." i grabbed the plate, and went on my way to the Smithy. Eating along the way, I just couldn't get over the flavor that filled my mouth, "indeed the magical flavors of this well crafted dessert couldnt have been a delight without the berries" i thought outloud, finnishing up the remaining pie. as I disposed of the disposable plate afterwords, (it was made out of strong leaves.) I then entered the smithy. "ah, Y/n, my student, just the elf I wanted to see on this fine morning." Tinker greeted me. "a fine morning to you Tinker, shall we begin the hours?" "indeed we must." he responded. as the morning came, a certain elf came into the shop, Runaan, the moonlight warrior, examined the weapons we have on display. "hello Runaan, how may I help you today?" I asked. "hello Y/n, yes, i do have a question, you finished with the transformable bow of mine?" he asked, as his bright teal eyes stared at my e/c ones, "yes indeed." I said as I took it to him, "is there anyhting else you need sir? i asked. Runaan chuckled, "no, but I do have something I want to do, the moonshadow festival is tonight, and all elves are welcome.... I reckon you will be there yes?" He asked me, in a way, even for an elf like myself I am clumsy and am easily startled by sentences that come out in supprises, hearing Runaan I accidentally trip over the case holding Runaan's bow's old case, he then chuckled a slight bit then offered his hand to my aid, I gladly took it blushing a slight bit doing so as well. " I am sorry, y/n, I didn't mean to startle yo-" "it's fine, it happens less often now, but that happened to come by surprise." I interrupted. There was a moment of silence between us before I remembered the question in which he asked me " why of course, I am a moonshadow elf after all, it is of great time and I reckon it is dear young Rayla's first time here, will be receiving her first markings, yes? " Runaan nodded his head once. "Indeed, I consider her as if she were my own child. But I do need to go check on her, she has been training quite well. Farewell tinker, y/n, I have yet to see you once more." Runaan then took off from the shop. There was a few more weapon maintains throughout the day. " Y/n, you are free to go if you wish to, I can handle the rest of the items and shop clean up. " Tinker said to me before he grabbed a broom and swept up the residue of sword sharpening and leather scraps. I then grabbed my bag of ingredients that just got newly patched up for more items if I should ever be on a quest, and walked home. Nonel saw me walk by and asked if I was interested in some moonberry juice, and to my supprise, Rayla was right there with Nonel learning to make it. I took a small vile of it, popped the lid off and drank it down, it was amazing. I thanked Nonel and continued my merry way home. I had just an hour before the festival, knowing that I do have tradition clothing for this, I put it on, as well as painted my cloak with the symbol of the moonshadow mage as is tradition goes, and left for the festival. As soon as I get there I found Runaan and Tinker talking amongst one another, and Rayla with them as well. Tonight's moon was at its fullest, but it also was a lunar eclipse. "Ah, y/n, I am glad to see you, if we can talk in private please?" Runaan spoke to me, I nodded once to his question and went with him to an abandoned tent. "Y/n, there is something I need to confess, before the next month in which I leave with six other members of my brethren for a quest from the Dragon queen herself, I may not make it back, but I just want you to know how I feel about you." He started " Runaan... You are leaving? " I asked confused, he nodded. "Well... If that is the case, then I also have something to confess as well..." I responded. " I love you, more than anything, and I still have a month to be with the magic of xadia, it isn't long, but I wanted to let you know, all the time that we shared in the shop, in the woods showing you my favorite views of scenery, I hope it was all worth it my love. " he let the words fall out of his mouth as If he were to be writing me a love letter. "Runaan, I love you too, though it is saddening that this mission may be the end of our days together here in the lands of xadia, but I love you never the less and I will continue to love you." And with that response, Runaan came to me, put his hand on my hip, moved my hair out of my face, cupped his hand on my cheek, stroked it with his thumb before leaning in for a kiss, so sweet and pure of the lands that it beat the thought of seperation out of my head. When we broke the kiss I felt the connection to the moon grow an aura on the both of us. "Of all the elves of xadia, I fell for fingers lovely assistant, as you are as youthful as a rose, and as talented as an arch mage is." We could go invisible at this very time however we came out of the tent together, and went to witness Rayla's tattoo ceremony.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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