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(a/n)- Okay, I have had this plot bunny in my brain for the last few months and it doesn't want to go away. And my obsession with the Originals finally won out. I have done a lot of research for this fanfiction so hopefully, it is decent.  It officially starts in season 2, episode 8 of the vampire diaries. This first chapter is main for set up. Please enjoy. 


I found myself standing in the middle of a clearing in the woods.

"How did I get here?" I thought while looking around.

The last thing I remember was being in the car with my parents and my sister, we were driving home after picking up Elena from a party. And yet here I was in a clearing in the woods.

It is a beautiful clearing. On the ground, there were all kinds of flowers. These flowers created a makeshift path to a fallen tree trunk. This tree trunk was right in front of a small lake. There were beams of sunlight coming through the canopy of leaves making the lake shine.

I felt a nice breeze blow against my back. It felt like the wind was pushing towards the lake and fallen tree. I began to walk towards the lake. Once I was closer to the lake I noticed that there was a man sitting against the tree trunk. The man was wearing a suit and had short brown hair. Strange choice of clothing for where we are. He was sitting there looking out towards the lake. I looked across the lake to see a stag standing there looking towards me.

The man must have noticed my presence as he stood up and dusted himself off. He turned around and looked at me. He has deep warm brown eyes that could melt ice. He had a smile on his face. He walked towards me until we were only a few feet apart. It was only then did I realize that this man was a bit taller than me. He must have been around 5' 10'' or so.

"Hello there." He said. His voice was a nice baritone and had a slight accent.

"Hello." I managed to say.

There a moment a silence between us. I didn't know what to say and it seemed as though this man was in no hurry to speak either.

"Umm may I ask how I got here?" I asked. It was a stupid question, obviously, this man wouldn't know the answer.

"That is a question I have been asking myself. I have no idea how I ended up here as well." The man said while putting his hands into his pockets and looking around the clearing.

"Oh guess that means we are in the same boat." I manage to joke, laughing a little bit.

The man smiled and looked back at me.

"So it seems. I'm ______." He said, but I couldn't hear what he said his name was.

"I'm sorry I didn't catch what you said your name was," I said while tilting my head slightly.


I saw the man's mouth move but no sound came out. I furrowed my brows in confusion. The man noticed my confusion.

"Can you not hear me when I say my name?"

I nod my head yes. The man puts a hand on his chin and looks down thoughtfully.

"Strange. No matter. May I ask what your name is?" He looks back at me after shaking his head.

"Alice," I say.

The man looks at me with the same look I gave him not two seconds earlier.

"You couldn't hear me when I said my name could you?" I asked.

The man nodded his head.

"This is very weird. Neither of us can hear the other's name." I say.

"This is quite the predicament." He says.

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