Chapter 6: Home

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Once I was inside my home I could hear someone in the kitchen. It is probably Jenna. I should tell her I'm home. I walk into the kitchen to see the refrigerator door was open and whoever was in the kitchen was behind it. The door closed revealing Jeremy. Jeremy has a shocked look on his face before he drops the soda bottle he was holding and runs towards me and hugs more like crushes me.

"I'm home Jerbear. And I am fine, don't worry." I said while rubbing circles on his back.

We stood there hugging for several minutes before Jeremy decided to let go. Now I could see that he was crying and I felt so bad for making him cry.

"You're home. You're really home. Alice, I am so relieved that you are back. When Elena came home without you I was so angry. And then I couldn't help but think I would never see you again."

"I'm home now Jerbear. I called you yesterday and told you I would be home today. It took a bit longer than I thought it would but that was because my friend had some errands to run before being able to take me home."

Jeremy was about to say something when we hear the front door open. Two sets of footsteps were heading towards us. Elena and Stefan walked into the kitchen. As soon as Elena saw me she ran towards me and gave me the tightest hug she could.

"I'm home."

Elena pulled back from the hug and glared at me.

"You're home?! That is all you are going to say?! Alice! We were worried sick about you!" Elena yelled at me.

"I'm fine, Elena. Other than having to wait for my friend to take me home, nothing happened."

"You're going to tell us what happened tomorrow," Elena demanded before leaving the kitchen. Stefan stayed behind and turned towards me.

"Are you really okay Alice?" He asked while looking at me with worry and a hint of guilt. I guess he felt guilty about not being able to find me and having to leave me behind.

"I'm really fine Stefan. Nothing bad happened, other than being stuck in the same dress for almost 3 days."

Stefan gave me a smile at my joke as did Jeremy.

"Alright. I'm going to go comfort Elena, she... she has been through a lot today." Stefan excused himself before leaving the kitchen.

I turn back towards Jeremy who was grabbing some paper towels to clean up the soda that he spilled when he dropped the soda.

"So... what's for dinner? I am starving." I ask while helping Jeremy clean up the mess.

"There are some leftovers you can have. Jenna said she is turning in early tonight." Jeremy was putting the used towels in the trash and went back to the fridge and was looking through it.

"What kind of leftovers?" I asked while trying to see over Jeremy's shoulder.


"I'll take it. I honestly don't care at this point." I said while watching Jeremy grabbed the cold pizza. He put a couple of slices of cheese pizza on a plate before popping it into the microwave.

"Thanks, Jer."

I finished the food and took a much-needed shower before going to sleep.

I opened my eyes and see that I am in the same forest that I met Elijah. However, now I can see small light particles floating down from the trees like leaves falling during autumn. But before they could hit the ground they disappear. This place was already beautiful but now it was even more serene. I follow the familiar path towards the lake and sit down cross-legged. I was just looking out towards the lake when I hear someone sit down next to me.

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