Chapter 8: Elena's an idiot

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Once I was outside I put on my headphones and started playing music by Audiomachine. After doing some quick stretches I started to jog. I didn't want to run into anyone right now so I took a turn towards a path in the woods. About 30 minutes into my run I arrive at the top of the falls. No one was there since it was still early in the morning. Enjoying the peace I walk towards the edge and sit down hanging my legs off the cliff looking at the view.

"That is quite the dangerous sitting location." Someone says behind me.

I jump up in fright and lose my footing but before I could fall the person catches me. The person makes sure I am stable before letting go of me and stepping back a little bit. I was looking down and a hand to my chest. I take a few deep breaths to slow down my racing heart. Once my heart was beating relatively normal I look up to see Elijah standing there in a suit as always.

"Jesus Elijah! Don't you know it is rude to sneak up on a lady? Nearly gave me a heart attack for two reasons jeez." I say to him while pointing an accusing finger at him then crossing my arms over my chest. Elijah just smirks at me. Jerk.

"Forgive me. I did not mean to startle you. But I was taking a nice morning walk when I saw you sitting at the edge of a cliff and I wanted to say good morning." Elijah was now leaning against a tree with his arms crossed smirk still in place.

"Hmmph. Still didn't need to scare the living shit out of me." I mumble while looking away with a slight blush. It was sweet that Elijah wanted to say good morning to me.

"Language. A lady should not use such vulgar words." Elijah said in a condescending way to mock me. Well, two can play at that game.

"And a gentleman should announce their presence as to not scare a lady," I said while sticking my tongue out at him. Childish I know but he started it.

"True, I shall announce my presence if I should come across a lady."

I send him a glare.

"Excuse me are you saying I am not a lady?"

"Well as I said a lady would never use such vulgar language."

"Screw you, Elijah!" I yell turning around and stomping my way back towards the path. I hear light chuckling before I hear leaves starting to move.

"You are just proving my point here. Moving on. How are you, Alice?" Elijah said while catching up to me and walking beside me down the path.

I sigh. "I'm fine just annoyed at Elena for waking me up so early. I told her I would tell her what happened today but I assumed she would at least let me sleep in."

"And what did you tell Elena?"

I smirk at Elijah.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I turn away from him still smirking.

"Alice," Elijah says in an annoyed voice.

"Nope, rude men don't get to know what I told my sister and her two bodyguards," I say with a smile before taking off in a run down the path leaving a confused and slightly annoyed Elijah in the dust. I knew if Elijah really wanted to know what I said to Elena he would have caught up to me but I guess he trusts me to have kept my mouth shut about what really happened.


I watched Alice run off slightly annoyed that she avoided the question but knew that she was smart enough to not reveal the whole truth to her sister and the Salvatore brothers. I shake my head at her antics before going on my way back to the Martins' apartment. There is still a lot that needs to be done.


By the time I got back to my house, everyone was gone. Well don't wait up for me I guess. I shrug and go upstairs to take a shower.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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