Chapter 5: Answers

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Elijah and I found the loose end's home quickly. It was a large apartment not too far from the cafe. Elijah also told me the vampire's name is Slater.

"Well, that was fast. I didn't think we would find him so fast." I said while looking up towards the window of the apartment.

"Stay close please Alice. While I don't expect anything to happen I rather be safe than sorry."


Elijah then leads me up the stairs to the apartment's front door. He knocks on the door and it only takes a moment before Slater to open door. He saw me first and was confused until he looked to Elijah who was beside me. All the color drained from his face. He looked scared and started to shake.

"Good afternoon," Elijah said with a smile on his face.

Slater tried to close the door quickly but Elijah stopped the door. Elijah and I enter the apartment while Slater backed away and was looking around. Probably trying to think of a way to run. Elijah flashed in front of him and stared into his eyes.

"You will not run and you will answer all of our questions and do everything I say." Elijah compelled Slater. I looked at Elijah in confusion and shock. He just turns to me and gives me a smirk.

"First thing is first, do you have a way to contact Rose-Marie?" Elijah turned his attention back to Slater.

"Yes, I do." Slater's voice shook. It was clear that he was still fearing for his life.

"Wonderful. Second, where do you keep your information about vampires?"

"On my computer. Everything I know is on my computer."

"Erase it. Erase all the information you have on your computer pertaining to vampires."

Slater went towards his computer and logged on. While Slater was busy deleting all the information from his computer Elijah's associate comes into the apartment. He was a middle-aged man with glasses.

"Elijah," He said in greeting shaking Elijah's hand. He then turns to me and raises an eyebrow.

"You have the dopplegänger with you." He says.

"One of them, yes. However, this one is to not be harmed in any way." Elijah said with a sternness in his voice that did not allow for any kind of debate. Elijah then turned to me and smiled.

"Allow me to introduce my associate, Dr. Jonas Martin. He is a warlock that I have known for quite some time. He will be helping me make sure you and your sister are safe." Elijah then turned towards Jonas.

"Jonas, this is Alice Gilbert."

Jonas held out his hand for me to shake, I take his hand. Once I take his hand Jonas gasps. He looks at me with wide eyes and a shocked expression. Elijah sees this and asks.

"What is it, Jonas?"

"She is not just a dopplegänger." Jonas had let go of my hand and was looking at Elijah. I was even more confused than before. What does he mean that I am not just a dopplegänger?

"So, my suspicions are correct then." Elijah doesn't seem surprised at the revelation about me.

"You suspected that she was more than just human?"

Elijah nods his head in confirmation.

"Yes, I had my suspicions but I wanted someone else to confirm what I believed to be true."

I was getting annoyed at this point, they were talking about me like I wasn't even there.

"Excuse me, but can someone please explain to me what you two are talking about?"

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